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Last active October 21, 2023 18:55
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  • Save brian6932/baa06bb8a6ee63bc8fc3f7204d291230 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brian6932/baa06bb8a6ee63bc8fc3f7204d291230 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fmt = num => {
if (num >= 11 && num <= 13)
return num += `th`
switch (num % 10) {
case 1:
return num += `st`
case 2:
return num += `nd`
case 3:
return num += `rd`
return num += `th`
fishes = Uint16Array.of(1, 15, 21, 22, 23, 34, 41, 1406, 1443),
failEmotes = [
successEmotes = [
fishing = async () => {
customData.set(`fish_total`, ~~customData.get(`fish_total`) + 1)
const dist = Math.random() * 75 | 0
if (dist) {
const unlucky = ~~customData.get(`fish_unlucky`) + 1
customData.set(`fish_unlucky`, unlucky)
if (unlucky > ~~customData.get(`fish_unlucky_record`))
customData.set(`fish_unlucky_record`, unlucky)
return `No luck... (${dist}cm away) ` + await utils.getEmote(
failEmotes.sort(() => Math.random() - .5),
{ caseSensitivity: false }
let out = fishes[Math.random() * fishes.length | 0]
const len = Math.random() * out | 0 || 1
let record
if (len > ~~customData.get(`fish_len`)) {
customData.set(`fish_len`, len %
record = `! This is a new record!`
record = `.`
let caught = customData.get(`fish`) ?? []
if (!Array.isArray(caught))
switch (typeof caught) {
case `string`:
const emojis = []
for (let emoji of caught.trim())
if (fishes.includes((emoji = emoji.codePointAt(0)) - 128010))
caught = emojis
case `object`:
try {
caught = new Uint32Array(caught)
.filter(emoji => fishes.includes(emoji - 128010))
catch {
caught = []
caught = [].concat(caught)
out += 128010
caught = caught.reduce((emojis, emoji) => {
if (!emojis.includes(emoji))
return emojis
}, [])
if (caught.length > fishes.length)
return `Either a previous import failed, or I detect some cheating \u{1f4bf} Clap Let @brian6932 know`
customData.set(`fish`, caught)
const streak = ` This is the ${fmt(~~customData.get(`fish_unlucky`) + 1)} attempt since your last catch`
customData.set(`fish_unlucky`, 0)
let count = ~~customData.get(`fish_count`)
customData.set(`fish_count`, ++count)
return `You caught a ${String.fromCodePoint(out)}! This is your ${fmt(count)} fish! It is ${len}cm in length${record + streak} ` + await utils.getEmote(
successEmotes.sort(() => Math.random() - .5),
{ caseSensitivity: false }
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