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Created June 12, 2016 14:28
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Just a quick note on the problem a couple of you were having yesterday where a rails generator appeared not to
be creating files. A zombie "spring" process from a different project was still running and so the generator was
actually writing files into a different application.
You can read about what spring does here: The short version is that it's an application
preloader that makes running certain tasks faster by keeping parts of your app loaded in memory.
This makes things like running your tests faster as the app doesn't have to load from scratch every time.
If you don't want an app to use it, pass --skip-spring as an option to rails new.
If you ever think you might have a rogue spring process running, try
ps -ef |grep ruby to see running ruby proceses. It'll be listed there and you can terminate it with the kill command.
This stack overflow question also has some info on the problem:
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