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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
// Generate the appropriate integer value for each character using
// a the ascii value from the return unicodeScalars.
// UInt8 (Unsigned 8 bit Integer)
// a | A = 1
// z | Z = 26
// all others will be 0
extension Character {
var letterValue: Int {
// We only want to give a value to the characters a-z and A-Z.
guard let scaler = self.unicodeScalars.first else { return 0 }
let value = Int(UInt8(ascii: scaler))
// unicodeScalars ascii values
// a = 97
// z = 122
// A = 65
// Z = 90
let uppercaseOffset = 64
let lowercaseOffset = 96
// Uppercase letters
if (value >= 65) && (value <= 90) {
return value - uppercaseOffset
// lowercase letters
if (value >= 97) && (value <= 122) {
return value - lowercaseOffset
// character was outside of the a-z | A-Z characger set and it has no value.
return 0
extension String {
// return the value for a string, assuming it is a word.
var wordValue: Int {
return { $0.letterValue }
.reduce(0, +)
// break a string into words by spliting on a space character.
var words: [String] {
// TODO: handle complex words with spaces i.e.: names like Mc Donald
return self.components(separatedBy:" ")
// break a string into lines of string by spliting on a new line character.
var lines: [String] {
// TODO: handle other line endings
return self.components(separatedBy:"\n")
do {
let dictionary = try String(contentsOfFile: "/usr/share/dict/web2")
let wordsWithValue100 = dictionary.lines.filter { $0.wordValue == 100 }
print("Dictionary has " + String(wordsWithValue100.count) + " words that equal 100.") // Dictionary has 2302 words that equal 100.
} catch {
print("Failed to read the dictionary")
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Dictionary has 2302 words that equal 100

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