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Last active October 2, 2015 18:09
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Exploring Graph Structure with igraph
# You'll need igraph. If you don't have it, run install.packages("igraph")
# First load the function moore_lattice_2d()
bulky <- moore_lattice_2d(rows=100, columns=100)
slender <- moore_lattice_2d(rows=4, columns=2500)
# Other generators: sample_k_regular, make_ring, sample_smallworld, etc...
# Calculate the longest shortest paths between any two vertices
ebulky <- eccentricity(graph=bulky)
eslender <- eccentricity(graph=slender)
# What are the shortest and longest longest shortest paths (wow!) in the graph (radius and diameter, respectively)
# What is the average shortest path length (characteristic path length)?
# What is the probability that two of my neighbors are also neighbors? (aka clustering coefficient, transitivity)
transitivity(graph=bulky, type="global", vids=NA)
transitivity(graph=slender, type="global", vids=NA)
moore_lattice_2d <- function(rows, columns) {
g <- make_lattice(dimvector=c(columns,rows), circular=TRUE, directed=FALSE)
b <- function(x, X) ((x - 2 + X) %% X) + 1
a <- function(x, X) (x %% X) + 1
vid <- function(r, c) c + (columns * (r-1))
for (r in seq_len(rows))
next_r <- a(r, rows)
for (c in seq_len(columns))
prev_c <- b(c, columns)
next_c <- a(c, columns)
v <- vid(r,c)
g <- g + edge(v, vid(next_r, prev_c), v, vid(next_r, next_c))
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