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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save brianddk/7890f3ea9543a588edaa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# [rights] Copyright Dan B. (brianddk) 2015
# [license] Licensed under Apache 2.0
# [repo]
# [tips] 18MDTTiqPM8ZEo29Cig1wfGdkLNtvyorW5
$REAL = 0x100
$HIGH = 0x80
$ABOVE = 0x8000
$NORM = 0x20
$BELOW = 0x4000
$IDLE = 0x40
$ALLP = 0x01
$PROC1 = 0x01
$keys =
"% Processor Time",
"% User Time",
"% Privileged Time",
"Page Faults/sec",
"IO Read Operations/sec",
"IO Write Operations/sec",
"IO Data Operations/sec",
"IO Other Operations/sec",
"IO Read Bytes/sec",
"IO Write Bytes/sec",
"IO Data Bytes/sec",
"IO Other Bytes/sec"
$ids =
"ID Process",
"Creating Process ID"
$excludes =
foreach ($key in ($keys+$ids))
$counters += "\Process(*)\$key"
$x = Get-Counter $counters -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$wps = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process
foreach($wp in $wps)
if ($wp.Handle -eq $pid)
$wp.SetPriority($REAL) | Out-Null
$pps = Get-Process
$h = @{}
foreach ($s in $x.CounterSamples)
$p = $s.Path
$key = $p.Substring(0, $p.LastIndexOf("\"))
$val = $p.Substring($p.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
if (-not $h[$key])
$h[$key] = @{}
$h[$key][$val] = $s.CookedValue
if($s.CookedValue -eq $pid -and $val -eq "ID Process")
$excludes += $key
foreach ($x in $excludes) { $h.Remove($x) }
$depth = 2
$caps = @{}
foreach ($key in $keys)
$caps[$key] = @()
foreach ($val in ($h.values.$key | Sort-Object -Descending))
if($val -eq 0 -or $caps[$key].Count -eq $depth) { break }
$caps[$key] += $val
$squash_pids = @()
$squash_keys = @()
foreach ($item in $h.GetEnumerator())
foreach($cap in $caps.GetEnumerator())
if($cap.Value -contains $item.Value[$cap.Key])
$squash_pids += $item.Value["ID Process"]
$squash_keys += $item.Key
$squash_pids = $squash_pids | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
$squash_keys = $squash_keys | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
if($numProc -gt 1)
$ALLP = [Math]::Pow(2, $numProc) - 1
$PROC1 = 0x02
foreach ($pp in $pps)
if($squash_pids -contains $pp.Id)
$pp.ProcessorAffinity = $PROC1
$ea_bef = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
foreach ($wp in $wps)
if($squash_pids -contains $wp.Handle)
$wp.SetPriority($IDLE) | Out-Null
Write-Host "Other exception"
$ErrorActionPreference = $ea_bef
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