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export PAT=''
export DB-WORKSPACE=''
export WHITELIST=''
curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer ${PAT}" https://${DB-WORKSPACE}/api/2.0/preview/workspace-conf?keys=enableIpAccessLists -d '{ "enableIpAccessLists": "true", }'
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${PAT}' https://${DB-WORKSPACE}/api/2.0/preview/ip-access-lists -d "{ \"label\": \"home\", \"list_type\": \"WHITELIST\", \"ip_addresses\": [ $WHITELIST ] }"
export ip_list=`curl -sX GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${PAT}" https://${DB-WORKSPACE}/api/2.0/preview/ip-access-lists | jq ".ip_access_lists[0].list_id" | tr -d "\""`
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer ${PAT}" https://${DB-WORKSPACE}/api/2.0/preview/ip-access-lists/$IPLIST -d "{ \"label\": \"home\", \"list_type\": \"WHITELIST\", \"ip_addresses\": [ $WHITELIST ], \"enabled\": \"true\" }"
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