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Created July 24, 2012 01:20
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Perl Module Checklist
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw( $Longest_name );
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use Test::Manifest qw(get_t_files);
use Tie::Cycle;
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
my %modules = ();
my $Longest_name = 0;
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("/Users/brian/Desktop/modules.xls");
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet("Modules");
write_headers( $worksheet );
my $base = "/Users/brian/Dev";
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
unless( @ARGV )
@ARGV = map { File::Spec->rel2abs( $_, $base ) }
( qw(HTTP/Size),
map { "HTTP/Cookies/$_" } qw(iCab Safari Omniweb Mozilla) );
print "Checking @ARGV\n";
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
foreach my $row ( 0 .. $#ARGV )
my $directory = $ARGV[$row];
print "Processing $directory...\n";
chdir $directory or do { warn "Cannot chdir to $directory!\n$!\n"; next };
my $module = $directory;
$module =~ s|$base/||g;
$module =~ s|/|::|g;
my $hash = $modules{$directory} = {};
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# release info
$hash->{sf_group_id} = sf_group_id();
$hash->{sf_package_id} = sf_package_id();
$hash->{module_name} = $module;
$hash->{releaserc_exists} = releaserc_exists();
$hash->{changes_exists} = changes_exists();
$hash->{readme_exists} = readme_exists();
$hash->{has_prereq} = has_prereq_test();
$hash->{has_pod} = has_pod_test();
$hash->{dist_in_cvsignore} = dist_name_in_cvsignore( $module );
$hash->{sourceforge_note} = sourceforge_note_in_docs( glob( "lib/*.pm" ) );
$hash->{meta_yml_in_cvsignore} = meta_yml_in_cvsignore();
$hash->{whitespace_stripped} = whitespace_stripped( glob( "lib/*.pm" ) );
$hash->{man13pod_exists} = man13pod_exists();
$hash->{dist_name_in_clean} = dist_name_in_clean( $module );
$hash->{uses_test_manifest} = uses_test_manifest();
$hash->{manifest_skip_exists} = manifest_skip_exists();
#$hash->{cvs_up_to_date} = cvs_up_to_date();
$hash->{tests_have_names} = tests_have_names();
if( $hash->{uses_test_manifest} )
$hash->{uses_test_more} = uses_test_more( get_t_files() );
$hash->{bail_out_in_load} = bail_out_in_load( (get_t_files)[0] )
|| bail_out_in_load( 'load.t' ) || bail_out_in_load( 'compile.t' );
write_row( $row + 1, $hash, $worksheet );
ending_format( $worksheet );
#print Data::Dumper::Dumper( %modules );
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
BEGIN { my $column_order = [
[ qw(module_name ), "", ],
[ qw(sf_group_id ), "Sourceforge Group" ],
[ qw(sf_package_id ), "Sourceforge Package" ],
[ qw(sourceforge_note ), "Sourceforge note in docs" ],
[ qw(releaserc_exists ), ".releaserc" ],
[ qw(changes_exists ), "Changes" ],
[ qw(readme_exists ), "README" ],
[ qw(manifest_skip_exists ), "MANIFEST.SKIP" ],
[ qw(whitespace_stripped ), "No trailing whitespace" ],
[ qw(man13pod_exists ), "Man page target exists" ],
[ qw(dist_name_in_clean ), "Dist name in clean" ],
[ qw(dist_in_cvsignore ), "Dist name in .cvsignore" ],
[ qw(meta_yml_in_cvsignore ), "META.yml in .cvsignore" ],
#[ qw(cvs_up_to_date ), "CVS up-to-date" ],
[ qw(uses_test_manifest ), "Uses Test::Manifest" ],
[ qw(uses_test_more ), "Uses Test::More" ],
[ qw(tests_have_names ), "Tests have names" ],
[ qw(bail_out_in_load ), "Bail out in load" ],
[ qw(has_prereq ), "t/prereq.t" ],
[ qw(has_pod ), "t/pod.t" ],
sub write_headers
my $worksheet = shift;
my $format = $workbook->add_format(
bg_color => 13,
bold => 1,
size => 12,
rotation => 90,
align => 'center',
$worksheet->set_column( 0, $#$column_order, 15 );
$worksheet->set_column( 1, $#$column_order, 7 );
$worksheet->set_column( 3, $#$column_order, 4 );
foreach my $column ( 1 .. $#$column_order )
$worksheet->write( 0, $column, $column_order->[ $column ][1], $format );
sub write_row
my $row = shift;
my $hash = shift;
my $worksheet = shift;
my @colors = map { $workbook->set_custom_color( @$_ ) }
( [ 62, 255, 255, 255 ], [ 63, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA ] );
my $format = $workbook->add_format(
align => "center",
bg_color => $colors[ $row % 2 ],
size => 12,
$worksheet->set_row( $row, 20 );
my $url = $hash->{module_name};
$url =~ s/::/-/g;
$url = "$url";
my $name_format = $workbook->add_format(
bg_color => $colors[ $row % 2 ],
bold => 1,
size => 12,
$Longest_name = length $hash->{module_name}
if length $hash->{module_name} > $Longest_name;
$worksheet->write_url( $row, 0, $url, $hash->{module_name}, $name_format );
foreach my $column ( 1 .. $#$column_order )
my $string = $hash->{ $column_order->[$column][0] } || '';
$string = "" unless $string;
$string = "x" if $string eq "1";
$worksheet->write( $row, $column, $string, $format );
sub ending_format
my $worksheet = shift;
warn "Longest name is $Longest_name\n";
my $factor = 1.1;
$worksheet->set_column( 0, 0, $Longest_name * $factor );
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
sub releaserc_exists { _file_exists( ".releaserc" ) }
sub readme_exists { _file_exists( "README" ) }
sub changes_exists { _file_exists( "Changes" ) }
sub manifest_skip_exists { _file_exists( "MANIFEST.SKIP" ) }
sub has_prereq_test { _file_exists( "t/prereq.t" ) }
sub has_pod_test { _file_exists( "t/pod.t" ) }
sub sourceforge_note_in_docs { _match_all_files( qr/SOURCE AVAIL/, @_ ) }
sub uses_test_more { _match_all_files( qr/Test::More/, @_ ) }
sub meta_yml_in_cvsignore
_match_in_file( qr/^META\.yml/, ".cvsignore" )
sub uses_test_manifest
_match_in_file( qr/Test::Manifest/, "Makefile.PL" )
sub bail_out_in_load
_match_in_file( qr/bail out/, @_ )
sub dist_name_in_cvsignore
my $dist_name = shift;
$dist_name =~ s/::/-/g;
$dist_name =~ s/-.*/-/;
my $regex = qr/^\Q$dist_name/;
_booleanize( _match_in_file( $regex, ".cvsignore" ) )
sub manifest_has_files
_match_in_file( qr/^Meta\.yml/, 'MANIFEST' )
sub _booleanize { $_[0] ? 1 : 0 };
sub _caller { my $c = ( caller(1) )[3]; $c =~ s/.*:://; $c }
sub sf_group_id { _sf_field_in_releaserc( _caller ) }
sub sf_package_id { _sf_field_in_releaserc( _caller ) }
sub _sf_field_in_releaserc
my $field = shift;
my $line = _match_in_file( qr/\Q$field/, ".releaserc" );
return unless $line;
( $line =~ m/\Q$field\E\s*=?\s*(\d+)/g )[0]
sub whitespace_stripped
local @ARGV = @_;
while( <> ) { chomp; return if m/[ \t]$/ }
return 1;
sub prereq_is_clean {}
sub man13pod_exists
_match_in_file( qr/MAN[13]POD/, "Makefile.PL" )
sub dist_name_in_clean
my $dist_name = shift;
$dist_name =~ s/::/-/g;
$dist_name =~ s/-.*/-/;
my $data = do { local $/; open my($fh), "Makefile.PL"; <$fh> };
my( $clean ) = $data =~ m/clean\s*=>\s*{(.*?)}/sg;
return unless ( $dist_name and $clean );
return $clean =~ m/\Q$dist_name/;
sub tests_have_names
`perl Makefile.PL 2>&1`;
my @lines = `make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 2>&1`;
my $tests = grep { /^(?:not\s+)?ok\s+\d+/ } @lines;
my $names = grep { /^(?:not\s+)?ok\s+\d+\s*(?:-|#\s*skip)\s*\S+/ } @lines;
$tests == $names;
sub release_state {}
sub registered_module {}
sub latest_on_sf {}
sub latest_on_cpan {CPAN::Module::cpan_version()}
# CPAN::Module::inst_version()
sub cvs_up_to_date {
return unless -d 'CVS';
print "Checking state of CVS...\n";
return if grep /^[CMUA?] /, `cvs update 2>&1`;
return 1;
sub message { warn @_ }
sub _file_exists { -e $_[0] }
sub _match_in_file
$_[1] or return;
open my( $fh ), $_[1] or return;
while( <$fh> ) { return $_ if m/$_[0]/ }
sub _match_all_files
foreach my $file ( @_[1..$#_] )
return unless _match_in_file( $_[0], $file );
return 1;
sub _name_to_dist { }
sub _dist_to_name { }
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