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(Perl) generate some random passwords
#!/Users/brian/bin/perl -CASD
use v5.30;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use Math::Random::Secure qw(irand rand);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
new_password - generate some new passwords
# generate 10 passwords of length 10
$ new_password
# generate 5 passwords of length 12
$ new_password -n 5 -l 12
# exclude special characters
$ new_password -S
# exclude special characters
$ new_password -S
# use a format (like macOS suggests)
$ new_password -f '%5s-%5s-%5s' -S
# exclude some characters
$ new_password -A l1O0
This program generates a bunch of passwords. You can choose the length,
format, and characters that go into it. By default, this creates 10
passwords of 12 characters using the printable ASCII characters (excluding
=head2 Options
=head3 Basic operation
=over 4
=item * --number, -n - number of passwords to generate (default is 10)
=item * --debug, -x - extra output, where appropriate (default is off)
=item * --length, -m - password length (default is 10)
=item * --format, -f - sprintf like format (only simple %Ns useful) - resets length to right thing
=item * --macos, --fm - use the format '%5s-%5s-%5s' with only lowercase letters and digits
=head3 Password characters
You can exclude groups of characters, or use C<--disallow> to exclude
specific characters. For example, you can disallow the characters that
might confuse people, such as the letter lowercase L and the digit 1:
$ new_password --disallow 1l0O
Use C<-allow> to include characters. For example, you may want to exclude
all digits, but add back C<1>, C<2>, and C<3>:
$ new_password -D -a 123
=over 4
=item * --no-upper, -U - do not use uppercase letters (default: do use them)
=item * --no-lower, -L - do not use lowercase letters (default: do use them)
=item * --no-special, -S - do not use special chars (!@#$%^&*_+=-) (default: do use them)
=item * --no-digit, -D - do not use digits (default: do use them)
=item * --allow, -a CHARS - add these characters to the possible characters
=item * --disallow, -A CHARS - disallow these characters
=head3 Password restrictions
=over 4
=item * --upper, -u - password must have uppercase characters
=item * --lower, -l - password must have lowercase characters
=item * --digit, -d - password must have digits
=item * --special, -s - password must have special
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2020, brian d foy, All rights reserved.
You can use or distribute this program under the terms of the Artistic
License 2.
=head1 AUTHOR
brian d foy, C<< <> >>
my $length = 12;
my $number = 10;
my $debug = 0;
my @options = (
"number|n=i" => \ $number,
"debug|x" => \ $debug,
"length|m=i" => \ $length,
"format|f=s" => \my $format,
"macos|fm" => \my $macos,
"no-upper|U" => \my $no_upper,
"no-lower|L" => \my $no_lower,
"no-special|S" => \my $no_special,
"no-digit|D" => \my $no_digit,
"allow|a=s" => \my $allow,
"disallow|A=s" => \my $disallow,
"upper|u" => \my $must_have_upper,
"lower|l" => \my $must_have_lower,
"digit|d" => \my $must_have_digit,
"special|s" => \my $must_have_special,
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
GetOptions( @options );
$format //= "%${length}s";
if( $macos ) {
$format = '%5s-%5s-%5s';
$no_upper = 1;
$no_special = 1;
$no_lower = 0;
$no_digit = 0;
$allow = '';
my @widths;
if( $format ) {
@widths = $format =~ m/%(\d*)s/g;
$length = 0;
foreach my $n ( @widths ) {
$n = 1 unless length $n;
$length += $n;
# ##################################################################
# derived internal settings
my $long_length = $length * 10;
say "Format: $format Length: $length Long length: $long_length"
if $debug;
# ##################################################################
# All settings should be set by this point. Figure out the chars
# we are allowed to use
my @characters;
push @characters, 'a' .. 'z' unless $no_lower;
push @characters, 'A' .. 'Z' unless $no_upper;
push @characters, '0' .. '9' unless $no_digit;
my @special_set = grep {
/\p{Print}/ && ! /\p{L}/ &&
! /\p{Digit}/ && ! /\p{Space}/
} map { chr } 0 .. 127;
my $special_set = join '', @special_set;
say "Specials: ", $special_set if $debug;
push @characters, @special_set unless $no_special;
push @characters, split //, $allow if defined $allow;
if( defined $disallow ) {
my %disallow = map { $_, 1 } split //, $disallow;
@characters = grep { ! exists $disallow{$_} } @characters;
say "CHARS: ", join '', @characters if $debug;
@characters = shuffle( @characters );
# ##################################################################
# now generate a bunch of passwords
my @passwords;
my $tries = 0;
while( @passwords < $number and $tries++ < $number * 10 ) {
my @chars = map { $characters[irand @characters] } 0 .. $long_length;
my $offset = irand( @characters - $length );
my $substring = join '', @chars[ $offset .. $offset + $length ];
my @parts = map { substr $substring, 0, $_, '' } @widths;
my $password = sprintf $format, @parts;
say "Candidate password $password" if $debug;
next if
( $must_have_digit && $password !~ /\p{Digit}/ ) ||
( $must_have_upper && $password !~ /\p{Lu}/ ) ||
( $must_have_lower && $password !~ /\p{Ll}/ );
( $must_have_special && $password !~ /[\Q$special_set\E]/ );
say "Passed password <$password>" if $debug;
push @passwords, $password;
say "Tries was $tries" if $debug;
say join "\n", @passwords;
# stolen from List::Util::PP, but now I can use Math::Random::Secure's
# rand()
sub shuffle (@) {
my @a=\(@_);
my $n;
my $i=@_;
map {
$n = rand($i--);
(${$a[$n]}, $a[$n] = $a[$i])[0];
} @_;
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