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Created June 27, 2023 11:40
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Make an Atom feed for pull requests to a GitHub repo
use v5.36;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my( $user, $repo ) = split m|/|, $ARGV[0];
my $url = $ARGV[1];
my $url = sprintf '',
my $headers = {
Accept => 'application/vnd.github+json',
Authorization => $ENV{GITHUB_TOKEN},
'X-GitHub-Api-Version' => '2022-11-28',
my $tx = $ua->get(
$url =>
my $data = $tx->res->json;
my $feed = start_xml( $ARGV[0], $url );
my $entry_count = 0;
foreach my $pr ( $data->@* ) {
next unless $pr->{'state'} eq 'open';
my $entry = tag('entry')->at('entry');
$entry->append_content( tag( id => $pr->{id} ) );
$entry->append_content( tag( title => $pr->{title} ) );
$entry->append_content( tag( 'link' ) );
$entry->at('link')->attr( rel => 'alternate', href => $pr->{html_url} );
add_default_item($feed) unless $entry_count;
say '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>' . $feed->to_pretty_string;
sub add_default_item ( $feed ) {
my $message = "No Business::ISBN::Data pull requests for " . localtime;
my $entry = tag('entry')->at('entry');
$entry->append_content( tag( id => "$$-" . time ) );
$entry->append_content( tag( title => $message ) );
$entry->append_content( tag( content => $message ) );
sub now { # 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z
my @gmtime = gmtime();
$gmtime[5] += 1900;
$gmtime[4] += 1;
my $now = sprintf '%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ', @gmtime[5,4,3,2,1,0];
sub start_xml ( $repo, $url ) {
state $rc = require Mojo::DOM;
my $feed = Mojo::DOM
->new_tag('feed', xmlns => '');
my $description = <<~"HERE";
Pull requests to $repo
my %hash = (
id => $url,
title => "Pull requests for $repo",
subtitle => $description,
updated => now(),
foreach my $tag ( keys %hash ) {
$feed->at('feed')->append_content( tag($tag, $hash{$tag}) );
Mojo::DOM->new_tag( 'link', rel => 'self', href => $hash{id}, '' )
sub tag ( $tag, $content = undef ) { Mojo::DOM->new_tag($tag, $content // '' ) }
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