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  • Save briandignan/03ef42e78434658cf27f052e2f0798e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Changed types for compatibility with PG12. Added save/restore for indexes/rules
create table if not exists deps_saved_ddl
deps_id serial primary key,
deps_view_schema name,
deps_view_name name,
deps_ddl_to_run text
create or replace function deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(p_view_schema name, p_view_name name) returns void as
v_curr record;
for v_curr in
select obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type from
with recursive recursive_deps(obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth) as
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, null::char, 0
select dep_schema::name, dep_name::name, dep_type::char, recursive_deps.depth + 1 from
select ref_nsp.nspname ref_schema, ref_cl.relname ref_name,
rwr_cl.relkind dep_type,
rwr_nsp.nspname dep_schema,
rwr_cl.relname dep_name
from pg_depend dep
join pg_class ref_cl on dep.refobjid = ref_cl.oid
join pg_namespace ref_nsp on ref_cl.relnamespace = ref_nsp.oid
join pg_rewrite rwr on dep.objid = rwr.oid
join pg_class rwr_cl on rwr.ev_class = rwr_cl.oid
join pg_namespace rwr_nsp on rwr_cl.relnamespace = rwr_nsp.oid
where dep.deptype = 'n'
and dep.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
) deps
join recursive_deps on deps.ref_schema = recursive_deps.obj_schema and deps.ref_name = recursive_deps.obj_name
where (deps.ref_schema != deps.dep_schema or deps.ref_name != deps.dep_name)
select obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth
from recursive_deps
where depth > 0
) t
group by obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type
order by max(depth) desc
) loop
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select distinct p_view_schema, p_view_name, indexdef
from pg_indexes
where schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema
and tablename = v_curr.obj_name;
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select distinct tablename, rulename, definition
from pg_rules
where schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema
and tablename = v_curr.obj_name;
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'COMMENT ON ' ||
when c.relkind = 'v' then 'VIEW'
when c.relkind = 'm' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
else ''
|| ' ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || ' IS ''' || replace(d.description, '''', '''''') || ''';'
from pg_class c
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_description d on d.objoid = c.oid and d.objsubid = 0
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name and d.description is not null;
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || '.' || a.attname || ' IS ''' || replace(d.description, '''', '''''') || ''';'
from pg_class c
join pg_attribute a on c.oid = a.attrelid
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_description d on d.objoid = c.oid and d.objsubid = a.attnum
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name and d.description is not null;
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'GRANT ' || privilege_type || ' ON ' || table_schema || '.' || quote_ident(table_name) || ' TO ' || grantee
from information_schema.role_table_grants
where table_schema = v_curr.obj_schema and table_name = v_curr.obj_name;
if v_curr.obj_type = 'v' then
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'CREATE VIEW ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || quote_ident(v_curr.obj_name) || ' AS ' || view_definition
from information_schema.views
where table_schema = v_curr.obj_schema and table_name = v_curr.obj_name;
elsif v_curr.obj_type = 'm' then
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || quote_ident(v_curr.obj_name) || ' AS ' || definition
from pg_matviews
where schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema and matviewname = v_curr.obj_name;
end if;
execute 'DROP ' ||
when v_curr.obj_type = 'v' then 'VIEW'
when v_curr.obj_type = 'm' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
|| ' ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || quote_ident(v_curr.obj_name);
end loop;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create or replace function deps_restore_dependencies(p_view_schema name, p_view_name name) returns void as
v_curr record;
for v_curr in
select deps_ddl_to_run
from deps_saved_ddl
where deps_view_schema = p_view_schema and deps_view_name = p_view_name
order by deps_id desc
) loop
execute v_curr.deps_ddl_to_run;
end loop;
delete from deps_saved_ddl
where deps_view_schema = p_view_schema and deps_view_name = p_view_name;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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is it compatible with postgres 14?

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is it compatible with postgres 14?

Yes, and it works on 16.

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