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Created April 12, 2017 12:15
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  • Save briandoconnor/024745fb1176c44aec5d9d7b4357accd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"normal_rna_seq_quantification" : [],
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"program" : "Treehouse",
"timestamp" : "2017-04-10T02:25:05.297843",
"submitter_donor_primary_site" : "BTO:0000042",
"project" : "Expression Analysis R",
"specimen" : [
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"samples" : [
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"file_type" : "fastq.gz",
"file_path" : "THR14_0320_S01_R2.fq.gz"
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"step_timing" : {
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"start_time_utc" : "2017-04-07T16:54:56.900477",
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"start_time_utc" : "2017-04-08T02:11:59.101886"
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"output-basename" : "THR14_0320_S01",
"save-bam" : "True",
"resume" : "",
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"version" : "1.0.0",
"qc_metrics" : {},
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"file_name" : "kallisto",
"file_type" : "idx"
"workflow_outputs" : [
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"bundle_uuid" : "99fd920c-70ca-4430-853c-ee395ab1df09"
"submitter_sample_id" : "THR14_0320_S01"
"submitter_specimen_type" : "Primary tumour - other",
"submitter_specimen_id" : "THR14_0320_S01"
"submitter_donor_id" : "THR14_0320",
"center_name" : "THR14",
"schema_version" : "0.0.3"
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