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Created September 28, 2011 19:00
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Top 50 Rails Plugins in Production : New Relic State of the Stack : Q3 2011
Count Plugin
2040 rpm
1534 newrelic_rpm
1268 acts_as_list
1186 paperclip
1130 will_paginate
1068 exception_notification
1026 jrails
1010 restful_authentication
1009 haml
960 ssl_requirement
917 attachment_fu
876 delayed_job
856 acts_as_tree
829 exceptional
777 quick_sendgrid
763 auto_complete
648 all
569 asset_packager
540 geokit-rails
524 active_merchant
483 responds_to_parent
444 hoptoad_notifier
433 acts_as_state_machine
421 acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
400 rails_log_stdout
392 annotate_models
390 rspec
388 calendar_date_select
370 country_select
355 acts_as_paranoid
353 restful-authentication
352 in_place_editing
348 prawnto
336 rspec-rails
325 recaptcha
325 action_mailer_optional_tls
314 active_scaffold
308 facebooker
291 permalink_fu
286 thinking-sphinx
282 role_requirement
281 ym4r_gm
244 white_list
240 tiny_mce
236 open_id_authentication
233 spawn
221 rack-bug
215 acts-as-taggable-on
209 validation_reflection
209 yaml_db
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