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Last active April 1, 2021 04:09
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Incentivize external caller for a contract job using incremental allocation.
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;
contract TimedCallbacks
struct Job { uint time; address addr; bytes data; uint reward; address creator; }
Job[] jobs;
function register(uint _time, address _addr, bytes calldata _data) external payable returns (uint index) {
index = jobs.length;
Job memory newJob = Job(_time, _addr, _data, msg.value, msg.sender);
function invoke(uint index) external returns (bytes memory ret) {
if (jobs[index].time > 0 && block.timestamp >= jobs[index].time) {
( , ret) = jobs[index][index].data);
delete jobs[index];
function cancel(uint index) external returns (bool res) {
if (msg.sender == jobs[index].creator) {
delete jobs[index];
res = true;
function getNumJobs() external view returns (uint count) {
count = jobs.length;
function getJob(uint index) external view returns (Job memory j) {
j = jobs[index];
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