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Created December 9, 2013 19:17
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Example fabric deploy tasks with git on prod server via github
from fabric.api import env, run, cd, task, get
from fabric.colors import *
from time import gmtime, strftime
import subprocess, os
global tag_time
tag_time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime())
global www_prod
www_prod = '/srv/www'
env.user = "linux-user"
env.hosts = ["server-name"]
env.use_ssh_config = True
def deploy(branch='master'):
global www_prod
with cd(www_prod):
# Always see what's latest
git("fetch origin")
# Check to see if there's any different
output = git("diff --shortstat origin/%s" % branch)
# This diff comes clean... but we have to use a ghetto hack to see it
if not output.splitlines()[1]:
output = git("rev-parse %s" % branch)
sha = output.stdout
msg( "No deploy necessary. %s is up to date (%s)." % (branch,sha), 'success' )
# The diff failed, so we're probably not checking out against origin
if output.failed is True:
msg( "No remote branch found." )
# Create a tag we can revert to.
print output
global tag_time
deploying_master = True
git("tag %s" % tag_time )
# Attempt to check things out
output = git("checkout -f %s" % branch)
if output.failed is True:
msg("Checkout failed for %s" % branch )
# these branches can be fast-forwarded
safe_branches = ['master','develop','devops']
for safe_branch in safe_branches:
if branch == safe_branch:
git("pull --rebase origin "+safe_branch)
git("submodule update --init --recursive")
git("submodule foreach --recursive 'git reset --hard'")
output = git("rev-parse %s" % branch)
sha = output.stdout
run("wp rewrite flush --soft",quiet=True)
msg("Flushed rewrite rules.")
success = "Project deployed to %s (%s)." % (branch,sha)
if 'deploying_master' in locals():
success += " Revert with 'deploy:%s'" % tag_time
msg( success, 'success' )
def provision():
run('sudo salt-call --local --config=/srv/www/config state.highstate')
msg( 'Server has been provisioned.', 'success' )
def msg(message,msg_type="run"):
if "run" == msg_type:
output = blue( "Running: " ) + message
elif "success" == msg_type:
output = green( "Success: " ) + message
elif "error" == msg_type:
output = red( "Error: " ) + message
if env.host_string:
output = '[' + env.host_string + '] ' + output
print output
def git(command):
git_command = "git %s" % command
msg( git_command )
return run( git_command, quiet=True )
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