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Last active February 5, 2017 08:40
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  • Save brianfgonzalez/6734e484628e672fd8ac4ae3b2a433ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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WWAN Silent Install Scripts
REM Installs driver (SILENT=1 in Config..ini tells EXE to run silent)
REM Command 1========================
REM =================================
start /w "" "%~dp0Generic7355DriverSetup.exe"
REM Apply Verizon Firmware (other images: ATT=\2 SPRINT=\3)
REM Note: working directory must be set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra Wireless Inc\Utils"
REM Command 2========================
REM =================================
cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra Wireless Inc\Utils"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra Wireless Inc\Utils\ftd.exe" -a -d g5k –fd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sierra Wireless Inc\Gobi\Images\5000\Generic\1" -f spkg_sblz.cwe carrier_pri.nvu
timeout /t 5 /nobreak
tasklist | find /i "ftd" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
goto loop
) ELSE (
timeout /t 5 /nobreak
goto continue
REM These commands disable USB Selective Suspend Setting and Adaptive Display Setting
REM Command Block 3===================
REM ==================================
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%G in ('powercfg -getactivescheme') do set guid=%%G
for /f %%G in ("%guid%") do set guid=%%G
powercfg -setacvalueindex %guid% 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226 000
powercfg -setdcvalueindex %guid% 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226 000
powercfg -setacvalueindex %guid% 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8 000
powercfg -setdcvalueindex %guid% 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8 000
powercfg -setdcvalueindex %guid% 19cbb8fa-5279-450e-9fac-8a3d5fedd0c1 12bbebe6-58d6-4636-95bb-3217ef867c1a 000
powercfg -setacvalueindex %guid% 19cbb8fa-5279-450e-9fac-8a3d5fedd0c1 12bbebe6-58d6-4636-95bb-3217ef867c1a 000
powercfg -setactive %guid%
REM Include this so windows does not install multiple instances of the drivers for the same modem (i.e. WWAN..#2)
REM Command 4============================
REM =====================================
Reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbflags" /v "IgnoreHWSerNum11999040" /t REG_BINARY /d "01" /f
Reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbflags" /v "IgnoreHWSerNum11999041" /t REG_BINARY /d "01" /f
Reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbflags" /v "IgnoreHWSerNum119968A2" /t REG_BINARY /d "01" /f
Reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbflags" /v "IgnoreHWSerNum119968A3" /t REG_BINARY /d "01" /f
REM Command 5============================
REM =====================================
msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0Skylight_Generic Build 4209.msi" /qn /norestart /l* "%WinDir%\Temp\DeploymentLogs\SkylightMsi.txt"
REM cd /d "%~dp0MbProfileMgr_Build4229"
REM call vzw.bat
REM Installs driver (SILENT=1 in Config..ini tells EXE to run silent)
REM Command 1========================
REM =================================
REM Apply Updated Verizon Firmware
REM Command 2========================
REM =================================
cd /d "%~dp0"
fdt.exe -d 9x00 -a -f "%~dp01584083_999999_MC7750_03.05.10.13_00_vzw_033.012_000_SPKGZ.cwe"
REM These commands disable USB Selective Suspend Setting and Adaptive Display Setting
REM Command Block 3===================
REM ==================================
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%G in ('powercfg -getactivescheme') do set guid=%%G
for /f %%G in ("%guid%") do set guid=%%G
powercfg -setacvalueindex %guid% 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226 000
powercfg -setdcvalueindex %guid% 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 48e6b7a6-50f5-4782-a5d4-53bb8f07e226 000
powercfg -setacvalueindex %guid% 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8 000
powercfg -setdcvalueindex %guid% 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8 000
powercfg -setdcvalueindex %guid% 19cbb8fa-5279-450e-9fac-8a3d5fedd0c1 12bbebe6-58d6-4636-95bb-3217ef867c1a 000
powercfg -setacvalueindex %guid% 19cbb8fa-5279-450e-9fac-8a3d5fedd0c1 12bbebe6-58d6-4636-95bb-3217ef867c1a 000
powercfg -setactive %guid%
REM Set windows 7 to auto-connect
REM Command 4============================
REM =====================================
reg import "%~dp0SierraAutoConnect.reg"
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