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Last active December 4, 2020 19:59
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Iterates through an array of collection Ids and creates regional specific collections for each element.
$collectionIdList = @(
$regionList = @(
Import-Module "F:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1" -Verbose
Set-Location "sih:\"
foreach ($collectionId in $collectionIdList)
Get-CMDeviceCollection -Id $collectionId -Verbose | `
% {
$appCollectionName = $($
foreach ($region in $regionList)
$newCollectionName = ('[{0}] {1}' -f $region, $appCollectionName)
if (! (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $newCollectionName) )
New-CMDeviceCollection `
-Name $newCollectionName `
-LimitingCollectionName ('[{0}]' -f $region) -Verbose
Add-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule `
-CollectionName $appCollectionName `
-IncludeCollectionName $newCollectionName -Verbose
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