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Last active March 10, 2016 22:56
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// This package is an example of using custom context handlers and middleware.
// It is largely based on the final option in this article:
// I have added a middleware chaining method and an associated ContextMW type.
// The idea is that in the case of this proposal being accepted,
// where the context package would be in the standard library and implemented
// on http.Request, that these same handlers and middleware could be used after
// a brief refactoring to remove the custom types.
package main
import (
func main() {
// A logger is used as an example of how to pass around some sort of object
// to middleware and handlers. It may very well be a struct that contains a
// logger, metrics collector, etc.
l := log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile)
h := &ContextAdapter{
ctx: context.Background(),
// In this case only a single middleware is inserted, timer(), but the
// idea is for a slice of middleware to be passed as variadic args.
// These would form a chain which passes along a context.
handler: Run(rootHandler(l), timer(l)),
http.Handle("/", h)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
func timer(l *log.Logger) ContextMW {
return func(h ContextHandler) ContextHandler {
return ContextHandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
now := time.Now()
h.ServeHTTPContext(ctx, rw, req)
end := time.Now()
total := end.Sub(now)
l.Printf("path=%s, total=%.2fms", req.URL.Path, float64(total.Nanoseconds())/1e6)
func rootHandler(l *log.Logger) ContextHandlerFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
l.Print("in the root handler")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello")
type ContextHandler interface {
ServeHTTPContext(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
type ContextHandlerFunc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
func (h ContextHandlerFunc) ServeHTTPContext(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h(ctx, rw, req)
// ContextHandler adheres to http.Handler interface
type ContextAdapter struct {
ctx context.Context
handler ContextHandler
// ServeHTTP causes ContextAdapter to adhere to http.Handler interface
func (ca *ContextAdapter) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ca.handler.ServeHTTPContext(ca.ctx, rw, req)
type ContextMW func(ContextHandler) ContextHandler
func Run(h ContextHandler, mws ...ContextMW) ContextHandler {
// these will run last passed-in first
for _, mw := range mws {
fmt.Println("adding mw")
h = mw(h)
return h
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