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My Python implementation of a sports scheduling example using Google's Operations Research tool. This may be useful to you if you are trying to work through the google-or documentation since it is written for C# and there are a number of differences. The original code:
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
# Python Implementation of
# By Brian Huey
# Sports scheduling problem.
# We want to solve the problem of scheduling of team matches in a
# double round robin tournament. Given a number of teams, we want
# each team to encounter all other teams, twice, once at home, and
# once away. Furthermore, you cannot meet the same team twice in the
# same half-season.
# Finally, there are constraints on the sequence of home or aways:
# - You cannot have 3 consecutive homes or three consecutive aways.
# - A break is a sequence of two homes or two aways, the overall objective
# of the optimization problem is to minimize the total number of breaks.
# We model this problem with three matrices of variables, each with
# num_teams rows and 2*(num_teams - 1) columns: the var [i][j]
# corresponds to the match of team #i at day #j. There are
# 2*(num_teams - 1) columns because each team meets num_teams - 1
# opponents twice.
# - The 'opponent' var [i][j] is the index of the opposing team.
# - The 'home_away' var [i][j] is a boolean: 1 for 'playing away',
# 0 for 'playing at home'.
# - The 'opponent_and_home_away' var [i][j] is the 'opponent' var [i][j] +
# num_teams * the 'home_away' var [i][j].
# This aggregated variable will be useful to state constraints of the model
# and to do search on it.
# We use an original approch in this model as most of the constraints will
# be pre-computed and asserted using an AllowedAssignment constraint (see
# Solver::MakeAllowedAssignment() in constraint_solver.h).
# In particular:
# - Each day, we have a perfect matching between teams
# (A meets B <=> B meets A, and A is at home <=> B is away).
# A cannot meet itself.
# - For each team, over the length of the tournament, we have constraints
# on the sequence of home-aways. We will precompute all possible sequences
# of home_aways, as well as the corresponding number of breaks for that
# team.
# - For a given team and a given day, the link between the opponent var,
# the home_away var and the aggregated var (see third matrix of variables)
# is also maintained using a AllowedAssignment constraint.
num_teams = 8
time_limit = 20000
run_all_heuristics = True
heuristic_period = 30
restart_log_size = 8.0
def computeOneDayOneTeamTuples(num_teams):
""" Computes the tuple set that links opponents, home_away and
signed_opponents on a single day for a single team.
Input: num_teams int
Output: list of length 3 tuples
tuples = []
for home_away in [0, 1]:
for opponent in range(num_teams):
tuples.append((opponent, home_away, opponent + home_away *
return tuples
def addOneDayOneTeamConstraint(solver, opponent, home_away, signed_opponent,
""" Links tuple set with labels to constraint variables.
Creates constraints for a given team on a given day.
Input: solver object, opponent list, home_away list,
signed_opponent list, intra_day_tuples list of length 3 tuples
Output: None
tmp_vars = []
solver.Add(solver.AllowedAssignments(tmp_vars, intra_day_tuples))
def computeOneDayTuples(num_teams):
""" Computes all valid combinations of signed_opponent for a single day
and all teams.
Input: num_teams int
Returns: list of length n lists of length t ints where n is number of
solutions and t is number of teams and ints correspond to the
day_tuples = []
solver = pywrapcp.Solver('ComputeOneDayTuples')
# We create the variables.
opponents = [solver.IntVar(0, num_teams - 1, 'opponent_') for i in
home_aways = [solver.BoolVar('home_away_') for i in range(num_teams)]
signed_opponents = [solver.IntVar(0, 2 * num_teams - 1,
'signed_opponent_') for i in range(num_teams)]
# No teams play twice in a single day
# Cannot play against itself
for i in range(num_teams):
solver.AddConstraint(opponents[i] != i)
# Matching constraint (vars[i] == j, vars[j] == i)
for i in range(num_teams):
for j in range(num_teams):
if i != j:
solver.AddConstraint(solver.IsEqualCstVar(opponents[i], j) ==
solver.IsEqualCstVar(opponents[j], i))
# num_teams/2 teams are home
solver.Add(solver.SumEquality(home_aways, num_teams / 2))
# Link signed_opponents, home_away and opponents
one_day_one_team_tuples = computeOneDayOneTeamTuples(num_teams)
for team_index in range(num_teams):
tmp_vars = []
tmp_vars, one_day_one_team_tuples))
# if A meets B at home, B meets A away
for first_team in range(num_teams):
first_home_away = home_aways[first_team]
# Element = home_aways[opponents[first_team]]
second_home_away = solver.Element(home_aways, opponents[first_team])
# negation
reverse_second_home_away = 1 - second_home_away
solver.AddConstraint(first_home_away == reverse_second_home_away)
# Search for solutions and fill day_tuples
db = solver.Phase(signed_opponents, solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND,
while solver.NextSolution():
solution = []
for i in range(num_teams):
print str(len(day_tuples)) + ' solutions to the one-day matching problem.'
return day_tuples
def addOneTeamConstraints(solver, opponents, home_aways, signed_opponents,
home_away_tuples, break_var, num_teams):
""" Adds all constraints relating to one team and the complete schedule.
Input: solver object, opponent list, home_away list,
signed_opponent list, home_away_tuples list of length d tuples
where d is length of season, break_var IntVar, num_teams int
Output: None
half_season = num_teams - 1
# Each team meet all opponents once by half season
for half in [0, 1]:
for team_index in range(num_teams):
tmp_vars = []
for day in range(half_season):
tmp_vars.append(opponents[half * half_season + day])
# We meet each opponent once at home and once away per full season.
for team_index in range(num_teams):
# Constraint per team on home_aways
for i in range(num_teams):
tmp_vars = list(home_aways)
solver.Add(solver.AllowedAssignments(tmp_vars, home_away_tuples))
def computeOneTeamHomeAwayTuples(num_teams):
""" Computes all valid tuples for home_away variables for a single team
on the full length of the season.
Input: num_teams int
Returns n x d+1 - n = number of combinations, d is days in season, 1
extra position for the total number of breaks in the season
home_away_tuples = []
print 'Compute possible sequence of home and aways for any team'
half_season = num_teams - 1
full_season = 2 * half_season
solver = pywrapcp.Solver('compute_home_aways')
home_aways = [solver.BoolVar('home_away_') for i in range(full_season)]
# Can't have 3 consecutive home or away games
for day in range(full_season - 2):
tmp_vars = []
tmp_vars.append(home_aways[day + 1])
tmp_vars.append(home_aways[day + 2])
partial_sum = solver.Sum(tmp_vars)
solver.AddConstraint(solver.BetweenCt(partial_sum, 1, 2))
db = solver.Phase(home_aways, solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND,
while solver.NextSolution():
solution = []
for i in range(full_season):
breaks = 0
# A 'break' is a sequence of two homes or two aways
for i in range(full_season - 1):
breaks += solution[i] == solution[i + 1]
print (str(len(home_away_tuples)) +
' combinations of home_aways for a team on the full season')
return home_away_tuples
def sportsScheduling(num_teams):
""" Main function creates variables, constraints, search parameters and
Input: num_teams int
Output: prints to console results and schedule
half_season = num_teams - 1
full_season = 2 * half_season
solver = pywrapcp.Solver('Sports Scheduling')
# Variables
# The index of the opponent of a team on a given day.
opponents = [[] for i in range(num_teams)]
# The location of the match (home or away)
home_aways = [[] for i in range(num_teams)]
# Disambiguated version of the opponent variable incorporating the
# home_away result
signed_opponents = [[] for i in range(num_teams)]
for team_index in range(num_teams):
opponents[team_index] = [solver.IntVar(0, num_teams - 1, 'opponent_' +
str(team_index) + '_') for i in
home_aways[team_index] = [solver.BoolVar('home_away_' +
str(team_index) + '_') for i in
signed_opponents[team_index] = [solver.IntVar(0, 2 * num_teams - 1,
('signed_opponent_' + str(team_index) +
'_')) for i in range(full_season)]
# Constraints
# Produce all valid combinations of matchups for all teams for a given day.
one_day_tuples = computeOneDayTuples(num_teams)
for day in range(full_season):
all_vars = []
for i in range(num_teams):
# For a given team, day, one_day_tuples sets the possible value
# combinations that all_vars may take on.
# Create signed_opponents, home_away and opponents tuple set
one_day_one_team_tuples = computeOneDayOneTeamTuples(num_teams)
for day in range(full_season):
for team_index in range(num_teams):
addOneDayOneTeamConstraint(solver, opponents[team_index][day],
# Constraints on a team
home_away_tuples = computeOneTeamHomeAwayTuples(num_teams)
# We seek to minimize the sum values of team_breaks
team_breaks = [solver.IntVar(0, full_season, 'team_break_') for i in
for team in range(num_teams):
addOneTeamConstraints(solver, opponents[team], home_aways[team],
signed_opponents[team], home_away_tuples,
team_breaks[team], num_teams)
# Search
monitors = []
# Objective
objective_var = solver.Sum(team_breaks)
objective_monitor = solver.Minimize(objective_var, 1)
# Store all variables in a single array
all_signed_opponents = []
for team_index in range(num_teams):
for day in range(full_season):
parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultPhaseParameters()
parameters.run_all_heuristics = run_all_heuristics
parameters.heuristic_period = heuristic_period
parameters.restart_log_size = restart_log_size
db = solver.DefaultPhase(all_signed_opponents, parameters)
# Search log
log = solver.SearchLog(100000, objective_monitor)
# Search limit
limit = solver.TimeLimit(time_limit)
# Solution collector
collector = solver.LastSolutionCollector()
for team_index in range(num_teams):
# search
solver.Solve(db, monitors)
if collector.SolutionCount() == 1:
print ('Solution found in ' + str(solver.WallTime()) + ' ms, and ' +
str(solver.Failures()) + ' failures.')
for team_index in range(num_teams):
line = ''
for day in range(full_season):
opponent = collector.Value(0, opponents[team_index][day])
home_away = collector.Value(0, home_aways[team_index][day])
line += ('Day #' + str(day) + ' ' + str(team_index) + ' vs ' +
str(opponent) + ' home: ' + str(home_away) + '\n')
print line
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