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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Generated by
// ----
// libsass (v3.1.0)
// ----
$spacings: (
small: rem(12),
base: rem(24),
medium: rem(32),
large: rem(48),
xlarge: rem(72),
xxlarge: rem(96),
xxxlarge: rem(144),
xxxxlarge: rem(216),
xxxxxlarge: rem(288)
@mixin space($args) {
$_directions: top right bottom left;
$_applications: padding margin;
$application: false !default;
$direction: false !default;
$keys: map-keys($spacings);
$amount: 0;
@each $_dir in $_directions {
$i: index($args, $_dir);
@if $i { $direction: $_dir }
@each $_app in $_applications {
$i: index($args, $_app);
@if $i { $application: $_app }
@each $key in $keys {
$i: index($args, $key);
$value: map-get($spacings, $key);
@if $i { $amount: $value; }
@if $amount != 0
and $application != false
and $direction != false {
#{$application}-#{$direction}: $amount;
} @else {
@warn "Uh oh. The key #{$amount} wasn't found in map $spacings";
.capsule-simple__view-btn {
margin-top: rem(32);
// Invalid spacings don't work
@include space(top padding cheese);
// valid ones do
@include space(top padding small);
@include space(top margin large);
// in any order
@include space(margin large bottom);
.capsule-simple__view-btn {
margin-top: rem(32);
padding-top: rem(12);
margin-top: rem(48);
margin-bottom: rem(48); }
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