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Brian Knight brianknight10

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bkozora /
Last active March 12, 2023 11:55
AWS Lambda Function to Delete AMIs and Snapshots
# Automated AMI and Snapshot Deletion
# @author Bobby Kozora
# This script will search for all instances having a tag named "Backup" with a value of "Backup".
# As soon as we have the instances list, we loop through each instance
# and reference the AMIs of that instance. We check that the latest daily backup
# succeeded then we store every image that's reached its DeleteOn tag's date for
# deletion. We then loop through the AMIs, deregister them and remove all the
# snapshots associated with that AMI.
thomasst /
Created May 14, 2015 18:26
Migrate Redis data on Amazon ElastiCache
Copies all keys from the source Redis host to the destination Redis host.
Useful to migrate Redis instances where commands like SLAVEOF and MIGRATE are
restricted (e.g. on Amazon ElastiCache).
The script scans through the keyspace of the given database number and uses
a pipeline of DUMP and RESTORE commands to migrate the keys.
Requires Redis 2.8.0 or higher.
gerard-kanters / server.ini
Last active September 18, 2016 12:17
HHVM server ini
;extension = /usr/lib64/php/modules/
hhvm.pid_file = "/var/run/hhvm/"
hhvm.server.port = 9000
hhvm.server.fix_path_info = true
hhvm.server.type = fastcgi
hhvm.server.enable_magic_quotes_gpc = false
hhvm.server.enable_keep_alive = true
hhvm.server.enable_ssl = true
hhvm.log.access_log_default_format = "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
kixorz / aws_iam_policy.json
Last active April 11, 2022 10:32
Update Route53 DNS records from your EC2 instance using this simple Ruby script. You can call it from rc.local after setting your hostname locally. First parameter is the desired <hostname>.<domain> Domain and other parameters are hardcoded. This script is useful for handling internal DNS changes in your systems after instance changes. Attached …
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
ctalkington / Gemfile
Last active May 16, 2023 20:19
Nginx, Sinatra, and Puma.
source :rubygems
gem "puma"
gem "sinatra"
uhlenbrock / deploy.rb
Created December 14, 2011 17:36
Precompile assets locally for Capistrano deploy
load 'deploy/assets'
namespace :deploy do
namespace :assets do
desc 'Run the precompile task locally and rsync with shared'
task :precompile, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
%x{bundle exec rake assets:precompile}
%x{rsync --recursive --times --rsh=ssh --compress --human-readable --progress public/assets #{user}@#{host}:#{shared_path}}
%x{bundle exec rake assets:clean}
mrrooijen / Capistrano-Deployment-Recipe.rb
Created July 29, 2009 09:34
a "base" Capistrano Rails Deployment Recipe. Use it to deploy your Rails application. It is also easily expandable. So feel free to grab this Recipe and add your own tasks/customization!
# Guide
# Configure the essential configurations below and do the following:
# Repository Creation:
# cap deploy:repository:create
# git add .
# git commit -am "initial commit"
# git push origin master
# Initial Deployment: