First off, understand there's a lot to be done, or at least understand that this is not totally out of the box functionality!
--Primarily there are two camps or methods-- effectively they do the same thing but the first attempts to hide some of the details - Hey, if you're a Mac lover that might seem like a good thing - but if you're a true-blue Hackintosher you will possibly want to review at least what the second camp is explaining is happening - and you may ultimately get better results depending on your particular setup.
A) tonymacx86 - UniBeast/MultiBeast + Clover + WhatEverGreen " [] Jan 6, 2020 "UniBeast is a tool that creates a bootable installer out of your downloaded version of macOS.
"Drag MultiBeast to your completed USB drive." Used post-install* install kexts(drivers), setup the bootloader for the HDD/SSD
UniBeast-Clover Note: UniBeast delivers basic bootloader support based on our testing on recommended CustoMac systems. For further bootloader customization, download and run the official Clover package. Advanced users may also compile Clover by downloading the full source.
-- UniBeast - Contains Clover 5.0 r5107 (May 2020) UniBeast and MultiBeast contain and deliver files from the Clover EFI Bootloader project. Clover is an open source bootloader project based on different projects: Clover, rEFIt, XNU, VirtualBox. Copyright © 2019 CloverHackyColor.
B) 'Vanilla' install - manual edit / setup Clover EFI + DSDT, kexts, etc
{sites used}
e.g. "You MUST NOT use Unibeast or Multibeast or any of that crap, if you do that you are 100% of the time going to have a bad time."
**(I can't vouch for the accuracy of "100% of the time" comment as I was able to get a good working install drive USB without delving into the Clover/EFI details using Unibeast on a first try - but the sentiment is clearly one of 'if you want any hope of diving in and fixing anything you probably should go down the road of figuring out all the details of what is happening')
B1 - Download 'Install macOS' (gibMacOS)
B2 - Create install media - $sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume [your volume here /Volumes/U-S-B-Name]
B3 - Clover Bootloader (this is the thing that helps 'fake' the booting process and provides the injection of necessary kernel extensions and a custom EFI to get the macOS to think its running on Apple Hardware.)
NOTE: Clover configuration is a two part process. You'll have to do it once on the USB Drive and then again on the install drive post-install.
Get Clover and your kexts(drivers for mac) Minimum Clover Bootloader FakeSMC.kext USBInjectAll.kext Lilu.kext WhateverGreen.kext
[Clover] Clover is confusing and there are multiple releases and old abandoned versions around (ever think you hate how buttoned up the Apple Store is and unable to get old versions is almost impossible? -- well this is the flip side! To have digital detritus littered all over and have to sort to find the current hosted site/updated codebase.) ---- Thank you to all who continue to update and work on this!!!
e.g. - (seems old) e.g. - Vanilla install references which seems old also (?) You are in the wrong place, go here
** VirtualSMC or FakeSMC is vital to booting our Hackintosh. Without one of them, we'd never boot.
[COMMON - OR GENERAL PURPOSE STEPS] 1.Get macOS from Apple Guide/Tool: gibMacOS by /u/corpnewt Summary: $ ./gibMacOS.command (choose latest version and wait for it to download) $ ./BuildmacOSInstallApp.command (then copy it your /Applications)
Create the USB. (this is where UniBeast does everything quietly vs "createinstallmedia" + Clover to do custome EFI + kext(driver) install
Boot from USB a. Format destination HD/SSD APFS b. Install macOS c. reboot and run the "Install macOS from 'SSD/partition just installed into'" (this should show up as an additional option in the bootloader screen --- similar to what it looks like when you do an "option" boot to bring up other boot volumes on a regular Mac. This is the second half of the installation after macOS installs itself partially on the destination drive.
After install you will still need to boot from the USB's bootloader to properly enter OS X. In order to address this the Clover bootloader needs to be properly embedded in the drives EFI partition.
Guides Referenced: ("don't use unibeast")
Vanilla install - Big Sur 11.5.1 (with proper USB Map hopefully created, + TB3?)
OpenCore 0.7.3 Debug install (vanilla efis):
Generate USBMap (corpnewt)
Edit plist