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Last active December 28, 2015 06:09
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Spotify: Copy all songs from all your playlists into 'Your Music' (songs / albums / artists)
# Add an application at
# Whitelist redirect url
# Copy client id into url below
# Browse to URL
# On successful authorization, you will be redirected, from this URL copy the token param in variable below
require 'httparty'
token = '... your token here ...'
headers = { headers: {"Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"} }
# Get playlists
res = HTTParty.get('', headers)
puts "#{res.code} - #{res.body}" unless res.success?
playlists = res['items'].map { |x|{name: x['name'], track_url: x['tracks']['href']}) }
playlists.each do |playlist|
# Get playlist tracks
puts "Getting playlist #{}"
res = {'next' => playlist.track_url}
playlist_tracks = []
while res['next']
puts " Getting #{res['next']}"
res = HTTParty.get(res['next'], headers)
puts "#{res.code} - #{res.body}" unless res.success?
playlist_tracks.push *res['items'].map { |x|{artist: x['track']['artists'].first['name'], album:x['track']['album']['name'], name: x['track']['name'], id: x['track']['id']}) }
# Add tracks
playlist_tracks.each_slice(50) do |tracks|
tracks.each { |track| puts " Adding #{track.artist[0..14].ljust(15)} - #{track.album[0..14].ljust(15)} - #{[0..24].ljust(25)}" }
res = HTTParty.put("{tracks.collect(&:id).join(',')}", headers)
puts "#{res.code} - #{res.body}" unless res.success?
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