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Created August 3, 2009 03:05
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# encoding: UTF-8
# This was ported from Yajl (
# The reason for this is because Ruby 1.8's pack/unpack("U"), nor 1.9's native Unicode
# implementation seemed to support surrogate characters (I may be wrong about that...)
# The example below would throw exceptions on *every* attempt I'd tried to decode it.
# But Yajl decodes it fine, so I ported it's decoding logic into pure Ruby for us all
# to enjoy :)
# Ruby 1.8
# puts "\u004d\u0430\u4e8c\ud800\udf02".split("\u").map {|char|
# [char.to_i(16)].pack("U") unless char == ""
# }.compact.join("")
# => Mа二??????
# Ruby 1.9
# puts "\u004d\u0430\u4e8c\ud800\udf02"
# => Mа二??????
# Ruby 1.8 or 1.9 using this method
# puts "\u004d\u0430\u4e8c\ud800\udf02".unescape_utf8
# => Mа二𐌂
class String
# This method takes an escaped string such as:
# "\u004d\u0430\u4e8c\ud800\udf02"
# And replace unescaped UTF-8 characters inline, returning a string like:
# Mа二𐌂
def unescape_utf8!
utf8Buf = ""
utf8Buf.force_encoding("binary") if utf8Buf.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
found_surrogate = false
prev_codepoint = nil
self.gsub!(/\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/i) do |char|
if found_surrogate
surrogate = $1.hex
codepoint = (((prev_codepoint & 0x3F) << 10) |
((((prev_codepoint >> 6) & 0xF) + 1) << 16) |
(surrogate & 0x3FF))
found_surrogate = false
codepoint = $1.hex
if ((codepoint & 0xFC00) == 0xD800)
found_surrogate = true
prev_codepoint = codepoint
'' and next
if (codepoint < 0x80)
utf8Buf << codepoint
elsif (codepoint < 0x0800)
utf8Buf << ((codepoint >> 6) | 0xC0)
utf8Buf << ((codepoint & 0x3F) | 0x80)
elsif (codepoint < 0x10000)
utf8Buf << ((codepoint >> 12) | 0xE0)
utf8Buf << (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80)
utf8Buf << ((codepoint & 0x3F) | 0x80)
elsif (codepoint < 0x200000)
utf8Buf << ((codepoint >> 18) | 0xF0)
utf8Buf << (((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80)
utf8Buf << (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80)
utf8Buf << ((codepoint & 0x3F) | 0x80)
utf8Buf << '?'
utf8Buf = ""
return self
# This method takes an escaped string such as:
# "\u004d\u0430\u4e8c\ud800\udf02"
# And replace unescaped UTF-8 characters, returning a *new* string like:
# Mа二𐌂
def unescape_utf8
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