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Last active October 27, 2016 07:18
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prune# radvdump
# radvd configuration generated by radvdump 2.11
# based on Router Advertisement from fe80::100:0:0:0
# received by interface wwp0s20u4
interface wwp0s20u4
AdvSendAdvert on;
# Note: {Min,Max}RtrAdvInterval cannot be obtained with radvdump
AdvManagedFlag off;
AdvOtherConfigFlag off;
AdvReachableTime 0;
AdvRetransTimer 0;
AdvCurHopLimit 64;
AdvDefaultLifetime 21840;
AdvHomeAgentFlag off;
AdvDefaultPreference medium;
AdvLinkMTU 1500;
prefix ::/64
AdvValidLifetime infinity; # (0xffffffff)
AdvPreferredLifetime infinity; # (0xffffffff)
AdvOnLink off;
AdvAutonomous on;
AdvRouterAddr off;
}; # End of prefix definition
}; # End of interface definition
# tcpdump -i any ipv6
18:15:29.527201 IP6 fe80:: > ff02::2: ICMP6, router solicitation, length 8
18:15:29.589995 IP6 fe80::100:0:0:0 > fe80::: ICMP6, router advertisement, length 56
18:15:29.665501 IP6 ::1.60314 > ::1.60314: UDP, length 1
18:15:29.710822 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0 [2q] [2n] ANY (QM)? ANY (QM)? prune-18.local. (152)
18:15:29.962176 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0 [2q] [2n] ANY (QM)? ANY (QM)? prune-18.local. (152)
18:15:30.162715 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0*- [0q] 2/0/0 (Cache flush) PTR prune-18.local., (Cache flush) AAAA fe80:: (140)
18:15:30.422204 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0 [9q] PTR (QM)? _ipps._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _ftp._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _webdav._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _webdavs._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _sftp-ssh._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _smb._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _afpovertcp._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _nfs._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _ipp._tcp.local. (141)
18:15:31.251701 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0*- [0q] 2/0/0 (Cache flush) PTR prune-18.local., (Cache flush) AAAA fe80:: (140)
18:15:32.422691 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0 [9q] PTR (QM)? _ipps._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _ftp._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _webdav._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _webdavs._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _sftp-ssh._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _smb._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _afpovertcp._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _nfs._tcp.local. PTR (QM)? _ipp._tcp.local. (141)
18:15:32.452311 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2403:4200:403:2::ff:2.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:32.652295 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2403:4200:403:2::ff:1.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:32.852321 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2001:418:3ff::53.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:33.052270 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2001:df0:fe:2::4.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:33.340674 IP6 fe80::.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0*- [0q] 2/0/0 (Cache flush) PTR prune-18.local., (Cache flush) AAAA fe80:: (140)
18:15:34.452319 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2403:4200:403:2::ff:2.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:34.652413 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2403:4200:403:2::ff:1.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:34.852458 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2001:418:3ff::53.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
18:15:35.052490 IP6 fe80::.123 > 2001:df0:fe:2::4.123: NTPv4, Client, length 48
prune# ip -6 route
fe80::100:0:0:0 dev wwp0s20u4 proto static metric 700 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev wwp0s20u4 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
default via fe80::100:0:0:0 dev wwp0s20u4 proto static metric 700 pref medium
prune# ip -6 addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 state UNKNOWN qlen 1
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
25: wwp0s20u4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1428 state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
inet6 fe80::/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
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