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Created September 12, 2014 15:11
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Parse query parameters.
# Parse the query string params.
# Examples
# If the query string is:
# test=test&foo&a=truee&bool=false&num=10
# parseQueryParams()
# #=> {"test": "test", "foo": "", "a": "truee", "bool": false, "num": 10}
# If the query string is:
# a=b=c&f&g=true%20&h=false
# parseQueryParams()
# #=> {"a": "b=c", "f": "", "g": "true ", "h": false}
# Returns an object of query string params.
parseQueryParams = ->
params = {}
return params unless > 0
for part in '&'
eqlIndex = part.indexOf '='
if eqlIndex isnt -1
# Split on the first occurrence of '=', instead of using
# String::split. `key` should get everything before the first '=',
# and value should get everything after the first '=', minus the '='
# character itself.
key = part.slice 0, eqlIndex
value = part.slice eqlIndex + 1
# Some keys might not have values. Default to a blank string.
key = part
value = ''
# Decode.
value = decodeURIComponent value
# If something looks like it could be a boolean, convert it to a
# boolean.
lc = value.toLowerCase()
if lc is 'true'
params[key] = true
if lc is 'false'
params[key] = false
# If the parsed number is the same as the string 'number', convert
# the string into an actual number.
if "#{parseInt value, 10}" is value
params[key] = parseInt value, 10
params[key] = value
return params
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