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Last active April 15, 2019 19:41
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Basic Code 39 In Visualforce
<apex:component controller="code39" access="global">
<!-- global required to use in templates -->
<apex:attribute assignTo="{!shouldCheckDigit}" type="boolean" name="checkDigit" default="false" description="True if should append additional check character." />
<!-- codeValue must be supplied, but cannot be required because of global attribute -->
<apex:attribute assignTo="{!sourceCodeValue}" type="string" name="codeValue" description="The string to encode." />
<!-- style sheet must be included to work properly -->
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.barcodeCSS)}"/>
<!-- leave some space on the side for scanners -->
<div style="display: inline-block; border: 1px solid black; min-width: 1in; padding: 0.25in 1in;" >
<apex:repeat value="{!barCodeBars}" var="bar">
<apex:outputText value="" styleClass="{!if(bar='1','blackbar','whitebar')}" />
<div style="text-align: center">
<!-- we'll show the output text on the bottom, too -->
.blackbar, .whitebar {
display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
width: 1px;
height: 1cm;
.blackbar {
background-color: black;
.whitebar {
background-color: white;
public class Code39Controller {
// Determines if the check digit should be generated
// If true, scanners must be enabled to use it
public Boolean shouldCheckDigit { get; set; }
// The source string to use. Currently only supports
// the characters in the "keys" string. Do not use '*'.
public String sourceCodeValue { get; set; }
// The index for supported characters.
static String keys = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*';
// The binary representation of each character, 16 bits each.
static String[] values = new String[] {
'1010001110111010', '1110100010101110', '1011100010101110', '1110111000101010',
'1010001110101110', '1110100011101010', '1011100011101010', '1010001011101110',
'1110100010111010', '1011100010111010', '1110101000101110', '1011101000101110',
'1110111010001010', '1010111000101110', '1110101110001010', '1011101110001010',
'1010100011101110', '1110101000111010', '1011101000111010', '1010111000111010',
'1110101010001110', '1011101010001110', '1110111010100010', '1010111010001110',
'1110101110100010', '1011101110100010', '1010101110001110', '1110101011100010',
'1011101011100010', '1010111011100010', '1110001010101110', '1000111010101110',
'1110001110101010', '1000101110101110', '1110001011101010', '1000111011101010',
'1000101011101110', '1110001010111010', '1000111010111010', '1000100010001010',
'1000100010100010', '1000101000100010', '1010001000100010', '1000101110111010' };
// Renders the barcode on the screen
public String[] getBarCodeBars() {
return generateCode39(sourceCodeValue, shouldCheckDigit).split('');
// Returns a string in case we also want to debug the output.
String generateCode39(String source, Boolean checkDigit) {
// Output
String[] result = new String[0];
Integer index, // Temp variable
total = 0; // Checksum calculation
// Avoid System.NullPointerException
source = source == null? '': source;
// Start character is *
// For each character in source
for(String sourceChar: source.toUpperCase().split('')) {
// Valid character, add to checksum and output bits
if((index = keys.indexOf(sourceChar)) > -1) {
total += index;
// Add the check digit
if(checkDigit) {
result.add(values[Math.mod(total, 43)]);
// Add the stop character
// Join as string
return String.join(result,'');
Simply include the code in your page:
<c:barcode39 codeValue="Hello World" />
Use the optional checkDigit Boolean if you want it in the bar code.
This is a very barebones implementation. Does not support extended characters, minimal error checking, and so on.
It does function as adverised, but should be considered carefully before using in production.
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