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Created December 16, 2022 23:46
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Say goodbye to your meet tabs
#!/usr/bin/env swift
import AppKit
import Foundation
import ScriptingBridge
@objc public protocol SBObjectProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
func get() -> Any!
@objc public protocol SBApplicationProtocol: SBObjectProtocol {
func activate()
var delegate: SBApplicationDelegate! { get set }
var isRunning: Bool { get }
// MARK: ChromeGenericMethods
@objc public protocol ChromeGenericMethods {
@objc optional func saveIn(_ in_: URL!, as: String!) // Save an object.
@objc optional func close() // Close a window.
@objc optional func delete() // Delete an object.
@objc optional func duplicateTo(_ to: SBObject!, withProperties: [AnyHashable : Any]!) -> SBObject // Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
@objc optional func moveTo(_ to: SBObject!) -> SBObject // Move object(s) to a new location.
@objc optional func print() // Print an object.
@objc optional func reload() // Reload a tab.
@objc optional func goBack() // Go Back (If Possible).
@objc optional func goForward() // Go Forward (If Possible).
@objc optional func selectAll() // Select all.
@objc optional func cutSelection() // Cut selected text (If Possible).
@objc optional func copySelection() // Copy text.
@objc optional func pasteSelection() // Paste text (If Possible).
@objc optional func undo() // Undo the last change.
@objc optional func redo() // Redo the last change.
@objc optional func stop() // Stop the current tab from loading.
@objc optional func viewSource() // View the HTML source of the tab.
@objc optional func executeJavascript(_ javascript: String!) -> Any // Execute a piece of javascript.
// MARK: ChromeApplication
@objc public protocol ChromeApplication: SBApplicationProtocol {
@objc optional func windows() -> SBElementArray
@objc optional var name: String { get } // The name of the application.
@objc optional var frontmost: Bool { get } // Is this the frontmost (active) application?
@objc optional var version: String { get } // The version of the application.
@objc optional func `open`(_ x: [URL]!) // Open a document.
@objc optional func quit() // Quit the application.
@objc optional func exists(_ x: Any!) -> Bool // Verify if an object exists.
@objc optional func bookmarkFolders() -> SBElementArray
@objc optional var bookmarksBar: ChromeBookmarkFolder { get } // The bookmarks bar bookmark folder.
@objc optional var otherBookmarks: ChromeBookmarkFolder { get } // The other bookmarks bookmark folder.
extension SBApplication: ChromeApplication {}
// MARK: ChromeWindow
@objc public protocol ChromeWindow: SBObjectProtocol, ChromeGenericMethods {
@objc optional func tabs() -> SBElementArray
@objc optional var givenName: String { get } // The given name of the window.
@objc optional var name: String { get } // The full title of the window.
@objc optional func id() -> Int // The unique identifier of the window.
@objc optional var index: Int { get } // The index of the window, ordered front to back.
@objc optional var bounds: NSRect { get } // The bounding rectangle of the window.
@objc optional var closeable: Bool { get } // Whether the window has a close box.
@objc optional var minimizable: Bool { get } // Whether the window can be minimized.
@objc optional var minimized: Bool { get } // Whether the window is currently minimized.
@objc optional var resizable: Bool { get } // Whether the window can be resized.
@objc optional var visible: Bool { get } // Whether the window is currently visible.
@objc optional var zoomable: Bool { get } // Whether the window can be zoomed.
@objc optional var zoomed: Bool { get } // Whether the window is currently zoomed.
@objc optional var activeTab: ChromeTab { get } // Returns the currently selected tab
@objc optional var mode: String { get } // Represents the mode of the window which can be 'normal' or 'incognito', can be set only once during creation of the window.
@objc optional var activeTabIndex: Int { get } // The index of the active tab.
@objc optional func setGivenName(_ givenName: String!) // The given name of the window.
@objc optional func setIndex(_ index: Int) // The index of the window, ordered front to back.
@objc optional func setBounds(_ bounds: NSRect) // The bounding rectangle of the window.
@objc optional func setMinimized(_ minimized: Bool) // Whether the window is currently minimized.
@objc optional func setVisible(_ visible: Bool) // Whether the window is currently visible.
@objc optional func setZoomed(_ zoomed: Bool) // Whether the window is currently zoomed.
@objc optional func setMode(_ mode: String!) // Represents the mode of the window which can be 'normal' or 'incognito', can be set only once during creation of the window.
@objc optional func setActiveTabIndex(_ activeTabIndex: Int) // The index of the active tab.
extension SBObject: ChromeWindow {}
// MARK: ChromeTab
@objc public protocol ChromeTab: SBObjectProtocol, ChromeGenericMethods {
@objc optional func id() -> Int // Unique ID of the tab.
@objc optional var title: String { get } // The title of the tab.
@objc optional var URL: String { get } // The url visible to the user.
@objc optional var loading: Bool { get } // Is loading?
@objc optional func setURL(_ URL: String!) // The url visible to the user.
extension SBObject: ChromeTab {}
// MARK: ChromeBookmarkFolder
@objc public protocol ChromeBookmarkFolder: SBObjectProtocol, ChromeGenericMethods {
@objc optional func bookmarkFolders() -> SBElementArray
@objc optional func bookmarkItems() -> SBElementArray
@objc optional func id() -> NSNumber // Unique ID of the bookmark folder.
@objc optional var title: String { get } // The title of the folder.
@objc optional var index: NSNumber { get } // Returns the index with respect to its parent bookmark folder.
@objc optional func setTitle(_ title: String!) // The title of the folder.
extension SBObject: ChromeBookmarkFolder {}
// MARK: ChromeBookmarkItem
@objc public protocol ChromeBookmarkItem: SBObjectProtocol, ChromeGenericMethods {
@objc optional func id() -> Int // Unique ID of the bookmark item.
@objc optional var title: String { get } // The title of the bookmark item.
@objc optional var URL: String { get } // The URL of the bookmark.
@objc optional var index: NSNumber { get } // Returns the index with respect to its parent bookmark folder.
@objc optional func setTitle(_ title: String!) // The title of the bookmark item.
@objc optional func setURL(_ URL: String!) // The URL of the bookmark.
extension SBObject: ChromeBookmarkItem {}
final class Bridge {
private let chromeApplication: ChromeApplication
var tabs: [ChromeTab]? {
let windows ={ $0 as? ChromeWindow })
let tabs = windows?.compactMap({ window in
window.tabs?().compactMap({ $0 as? ChromeTab })
return tabs?.flatMap({$0})
init() {
self.chromeApplication = SBApplication(bundleIdentifier: "")!
func closeMeets() {
.filter({$0.URL?.hasPrefix("") ?? false})
.forEach({ tab in
func printAllTabs() {
let windows ={ $0 as? ChromeWindow })
let tabs = windows?.compactMap({ window in
window.tabs?().compactMap({ $0 as? ChromeTab })
let flattened = tabs?.flatMap({$0})
for tab in flattened! {
print("Tab: \(String(describing: tab.URL))")
let bridge = Bridge()
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