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Last active December 26, 2023 22:59
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  • Save brianmichel/cd889843a06e9def435204394be8bba7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brianmichel/cd889843a06e9def435204394be8bba7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test DNS resolution and SSL connectivity to a given host.
Runs various networking tests to help debug connectivity issues to a specific host.
The Uri that should be used as the remote host. This should be something like '' which will be used
to test by DNS and SSL connectivity as needed.
Whether or not to test DNS resolution to the provided Uri
Whether or not to test SSL connectivity and validity to the provided Uri
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Uri,
[switch] $TestDns,
[switch] $TestSsl
function Test-DnsResolution {
param (
[string] $Uri
Write-Host "Clearing DNS Client Cache..."
if (!$?) {
throw "Unable to clear Dns Client Cache"
Write-Host "Successfully cleared DNS Client Cache!" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host "Attempting to resolve host $($Uri)"
$resolutionResults = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Uri
$formattedResults = ($resolutionResults | select-object IPAddress).IPAddress -join ", "
if (!$?) {
throw "Unable to resolve host"
Write-Host "Successfully resolved $($Uri) to $($formattedResults)" -ForegroundColor Blue
function Test-SslCertificate {
param (
[string] $Uri,
[string] $Port = "443"
$Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket(
$Socket.Connect($Uri, $Port)
try {
$NetStream = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream($Socket, $true)
$SslStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($NetStream, $true)
$RemoteCertificate = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$SslStream.RemoteCertificate
$DisplayData = [ordered]@{}
$DisplayData.Add("Issuer", $RemoteCertificate.Issuer)
$DisplayData.Add("Subject", $RemoteCertificate.Subject)
$DisplayData.Add("Valid From", $RemoteCertificate.NotBefore)
$DisplayData.Add("Valid Until", $RemoteCertificate.NotAfter)
$DisplayData.Add("Signature Algorithm", $RemoteCertificate.SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName)
$DisplayData.Add("Serial Number", $RemoteCertificate.SerialNumber)
$DisplayData.Add("Thumbprint", $RemoteCertificate.Thumbprint)
$FormattedCertificate = $DisplayData | Format-Table | Out-String
Write-Host "Successfully retreived SSL certificate " -ForegroundColor Blue
Write-Host $FormattedCertificate -ForegroundColor DarkGray
Write-Host "Attempting to validate the retreived certificate from $($Uri)..."
$CertificateValid = Test-Certificate -Policy SSL -Cert $RemoteCertificate
if ($CertificateValid) {
Write-Host "SSL certificate provided by $($Uri) is valid!" -Foreground Blue
else {
Write-Error "SSL certificate provided by $($Uri) is invalid"
catch {
Write-Error "Unable to test SSL certificate for host, $($Uri). $($PSItem)"
finally {
if ($TestDns) {
Write-Host "Testing DNS resolution for $($Uri)..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Test-DnsResolution -Uri $Uri
if ($TestSsl) {
Write-Host "Testing SSL certificate for $($Uri)..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Test-SslCertificate -Uri $Uri
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