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Last active June 21, 2024 05:18
import json
import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, List
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
class PodpingMediums(str, Enum):
mixed = "mixed"
podcast = "podcast"
music = "music"
video = "video"
film = "film"
audiobook = "audiobook"
newsletter = "newsletter"
blog = "blog"
podcastL = "podcastL"
musicL = "musicL"
videoL = "videoL"
filmL = "filmL"
audiobookL = "audiobookL"
newsletterL = "newsletterL"
blogL = "blogL"
publisher = "publisher"
publisherL = "publisherL"
course = "course"
courseL = "courseL"
class PodpingReasons(str, Enum):
update = "update"
live = "live"
liveEnd = "liveEnd"
newIRI = "newIRI"
class PodpingVersions(str, Enum):
v1_0 = "1.0"
v1_1 = "1.1"
def utf8len(s):
return len(s.encode("utf-8"))
class HiveTrx(BaseModel):
trx_id: str
block_num: int
timestamp: datetime
trx_num: int
class PodpingMeta(BaseModel):
required_posting_auths: List[str]
json_size: int
num_iris: int = 0
id: str
live_test: bool = False
server_account: str = None
message: str = None
uuid: str = None
hive: str = None
v: str = None
stored_meta: bool = False
stored_hosts: bool = False
op_id: int = 1 # Counter for multiple operations in one trx_id
def __init__(__pydantic_self__, **data: Any) -> None:
if data.get("id").startswith("pplt_"):
data["live_test"] = True
def metadata(self):
return {
"metadata": {"posting_auth": self.required_posting_auths[0], "id":},
"json_size": self.json_size,
"num_iris": self.num_iris,
"timestamp": self.timestamp,
known_hosts: dict[str, str] = {
"Buzzsprout": r".*\/.*",
"": r".*\/.*",
"Spreaker": r".*\/.*",
"": r".*\/.*",
"Transistor": r".*\/.*",
"Podserve": r".*\/.*",
"Captivate": r".*\/.*",
"Acast": r".*\/.*",
"": r".*\/.*",
"Feedlayer": r".*\/.*",
"3speak": r".*\/.*",
"Newsradio1620": r".*\/.*",
"StrivingForEternity": r".*\/.*",
"Heliumradio": r".*\/.*",
"Blubrry": r".*\/.*",
"": r".*\/.*",
# "Other": r".*",
# resp = httpx.get('')
# if resp.status_code == 200:
# st.markdown(resp.text, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# with open("known_hosts.json","r") as f:
# known_hosts_json = json.load(f)
all_hosts = ""
for host in known_hosts.values():
all_hosts += f"({host})|"
all_hosts = all_hosts[:-1]
class PodpingIri(str):
"""Model for each IRI in a podping"""
def __new__(cls, content: str, **data: Any):
return super().__new__(cls, content)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)}), {})"
def host(self) -> str:
if re.match(all_hosts, self):
for key, value in known_hosts.items():
if re.match(value, self):
return key
return "Other"
class Podping(HiveTrx, PodpingMeta, BaseModel):
"""Dataclass for on-chain podping schema"""
version: PodpingVersions = PodpingVersions.v1_0
medium: PodpingMediums = None
reason: PodpingReasons = None
iris: List[PodpingIri] = []
timestampNs: datetime = None
sessionId: str = None
def __init__(__pydantic_self__, **data: Any) -> None:
if data.get("json"):
podping_meta = data
custom_json = json.loads(data.get("json"))
podping_meta["json_size"] = utf8len(data.get("json"))
if iris := custom_json.get("iris"):
podping_meta["num_iris"] = len(iris)
custom_json["iris"] = [PodpingIri(iri) for iri in iris]
super().__init__(**custom_json, **podping_meta)
elif iris := data.get("iris"):
data["iris"] = [PodpingIri(iri) for iri in iris]
except Exception as ex:
def iris_at_least_one_element(cls, v):
"""Make sure the list contains at least one element"""
if len(v) == 0:
raise ValueError("iris must contain at least one element")
return v
def db_format(self) -> dict:
ans = self.dict(exclude_unset=True)
ans["op_id"] = self.op_id
return ans
def db_format_meta(self) -> dict:
db_meta = self.metadata
db_meta["timestamp"] = self.timestamp
db_meta["trx_id"] = self.trx_id
db_meta["op_id"] = self.op_id
db_meta["block_num"] = self.block_num
return db_meta
def db_format_hosts_ts(self) -> List[dict]:
ans = []
for iri in self.iris:
db = {
"metadata": {"host":, "timestamp": self.timestamp},
"timestamp": self.timestamp,
"iri": iri,
"trx_id": self.trx_id,
return ans
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