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Created December 4, 2009 02:42
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String RegExp matches function
The matches function, similar to String.match(),
returns an array of sub-groups captured by the given RegExp.
function matches(string, regexp, position, result) {
position = position || 0;
result = result || [];
var match = string.slice(position).match(regexp);
if (match === null) {
return result;
else {
match.index = position + match.index;
match.input = string;
return matches(string, regexp, match.index + match[0].length, result);
Optionally add the matches function to the String prototype.
String.prototype.matches = function (regexp, position) {
return matches(this.toString(), regexp, position);
log = console.log,
assert = console.assert;
testString = 'fooABbar fOoC1bar bazEFbar FooGHbar fooIjbar';
expectedMatches = [
{'0': 'fooABbar', '1': 'A', '2': 'B', index: 0, input: testString},
{'0': 'FooGHbar', '1': 'G', '2': 'H', index: 27, input: testString},
{'0': 'fooIjbar', '1': 'I', '2': 'j', index: 36, input: testString},
actualMatches = matches(testString, /foo([a-z])([a-z])bar/i);
for (var ii = 0; ii < expectedMatches.length; ii++) {
for (var key in expectedMatches[ii]) {
assert(expectedMatches[ii][key] === actualMatches[ii][key]);
log("Test passed");
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