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Last active December 17, 2020 02:12
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package main
import (
core ""
auth ""
envoy_type ""
status ""
type authorizationServer struct{}
func (a *authorizationServer) Check(ctx context.Context, req *auth.CheckRequest) (*auth.CheckResponse, error) {
headers := req.GetAttributes().GetRequest().GetHttp().GetHeaders()
authHeader := headers["authorization"]
fmt.Printf("authHeader: %v", authHeader)
var splitToken []string
if authHeader != "" {
splitToken = strings.Split(authHeader, "Bearer ")
if len(splitToken) == 2 {
token := splitToken[1]
if len(token) == 3 {
return &auth.CheckResponse{
Status: &status.Status{
Code: int32(rpc.OK),
HttpResponse: &auth.CheckResponse_OkResponse{
OkResponse: &auth.OkHttpResponse{
Headers: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
Header: &core.HeaderValue{
Key: "my-credential-header",
Value: "permission6,permission9",
}, nil
return &auth.CheckResponse{
Status: &status.Status{
Code: int32(rpc.UNAUTHENTICATED),
HttpResponse: &auth.CheckResponse_DeniedResponse{
DeniedResponse: &auth.DeniedHttpResponse{
Status: &envoy_type.HttpStatus{Code: 401},
Body: "Authorization header must be formatted as Authorization: Bearer TOKEN, where TOKEN is a three-character string",
}, nil
func main() {
lis, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":4040")
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
authServer := &authorizationServer{}
auth.RegisterAuthorizationServer(grpcServer, authServer)
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