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Static validation on a FhirPath Expression to verify validity against a specific fhir version (via object model)
using Hl7.Fhir.Introspection;
using Hl7.Fhir.Support;
using Hl7.Fhir.Utility;
using Hl7.FhirPath.Expressions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace Engine.R4B.Helpers
public struct NodeProps
public NodeProps(ClassMapping classMapping, PropertyMapping propMap = null)
ClassMapping = classMapping;
IsCollection = propMap?.IsCollection == true;
PropertyMapping = propMap;
public ClassMapping ClassMapping { get; set; }
public PropertyMapping PropertyMapping { get; set; }
public bool IsCollection { get; set; }
public class FhirPathVisitorProps
public bool isRoot;
public readonly Collection<NodeProps> Types = new();
public void AddType(ModelInspector mi, Type type)
var cm = mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(type);
if (cm != null)
Types.Add(new NodeProps(cm));
public override string ToString()
return String.Join(", ", Types.Select(v =>
if (v.IsCollection)
return $"{v.ClassMapping.Name}[]";
return v.ClassMapping.Name;
public class FhirPathExpressionVisitor : ExpressionVisitor<FhirPathVisitorProps>
public Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome Outcome { get; } = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome();
private Stack<FhirPathVisitorProps> _stack = new();
private readonly StringBuilder _result = new StringBuilder();
private int _indent = 0;
public FhirPathExpressionVisitor(ModelInspector mi)
_mi = mi;
RegisterVariable("ucum", typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString));
RegisterVariable("sctt", typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString));
public void RegisterVariable(string name, Type type)
var cm = _mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(type);
if (cm != null && !variables.ContainsKey(name))
variables.Add(name, cm);
private Dictionary<string, ClassMapping> variables = new();
public override string ToString()
return _result.ToString();
private Collection<ClassMapping> _inputTypes = new();
public void AddInputType(Type t)
var cm = _mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(t);
if (cm != null)
ModelInspector _mi;
public override FhirPathVisitorProps VisitConstant(ConstantExpression expression)
// ChildExpression ce
var r = new FhirPathVisitorProps();
if (expression.ExpressionType.Name == "String")
// appendType(expression);
return r;
private string[] boolFuncs = new[]
// FHIR extensions to fhirpath
private string[] stringFuncs = new[]
private string[] passthroughFuncs = new[]
private string[] mathFuncs = new[]
private void DeduceReturnType(FunctionCallExpression function, FhirPathVisitorProps focus, IEnumerable<FhirPathVisitorProps> props, FhirPathVisitorProps outputProps)
if (stringFuncs.Contains(function.FunctionName))
outputProps.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString));
else if (function.FunctionName == "is")
// Check this before the boolfuncs tests
foreach (var t in focus.Types)
// TODO: Also include ofType special case handling to look for possible warnings
else if (boolFuncs.Contains(function.FunctionName))
outputProps.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirBoolean));
else if (function.FunctionName == "length")
// TODO: Also check that the context coming in here is a string
outputProps.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.Integer));
else if (function.FunctionName == "count")
outputProps.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.Integer));
else if (function.FunctionName == "extension")
outputProps.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.Extension));
else if (mathFuncs.Contains(function.FunctionName))
foreach (var t in focus.Types)
else if (passthroughFuncs.Contains(function.FunctionName))
foreach (var t in focus.Types)
else if (function.FunctionName == "iif")
// Test that the first parameter is always a boolean
// then return the union of the other 2 parameters
else if (function.FunctionName == "select")
foreach (var t in props)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"select params: {t.ToString()}");
if (props.Count() == 1)
foreach (var t in props.First().Types)
else if (function.FunctionName == "resolve")
// Check the supported reference types for this resource type
foreach (var t in focus.Types)
var v = t.PropertyMapping.NativeProperty.GetCustomAttribute<ReferencesAttribute>();
if (v?.Resources?.Any() == true)
// retrieve the classname
foreach (var typeName in v.Resources)
var cm = _mi.FindClassMapping(typeName);
outputProps.Types.Add(new NodeProps(cm));
// unkn
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"No types specified");
// outputProps.Types.Add(t);
else if (function.FunctionName == "children")
// Check the supported reference types for this resource type
foreach (var t in focus.Types)
// walk through all the child properties
foreach (var p in t.ClassMapping.PropertyMappings)
outputProps.Types.Add(new NodeProps(p.PropertyTypeMapping, p));
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Unhandled function {function.FunctionName}");
var issue = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueComponent()
Severity = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueSeverity.Warning,
Code = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueType.NotSupported,
Details = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept() { Text = $"Unhandled function {function.FunctionName}" }
if (function.Location != null)
issue.Location = new[] { $"Line {function.Location.LineNumber}, Position {function.Location.LineNumber}" };
public override FhirPathVisitorProps VisitFunctionCall(FunctionCallExpression expression)
var r = new FhirPathVisitorProps();
if (expression is BinaryExpression be)
if (be.Op == "is")
FhirPathVisitorProps focus = expression.Arguments.First().Accept(this);
var isTypeArg = expression.Arguments.Skip(1).First();
FhirPathVisitorProps isType = isTypeArg.Accept(this);
// Check if the type possibly COULD be evaluated as true
if (isTypeArg is ConstantExpression ceTa)
// ceTa.Value
var isTypeToCheck = _mi.GetTypeForFhirType(ceTa.Value as string);
var possibleTypeNames = focus.Types.Select(t => t.ClassMapping.Name);
if (!focus.Types.Any(t => t.ClassMapping.NativeType.IsAssignableFrom(isTypeToCheck)))
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Expression included an 'is' test for {ceTa.Value} where possible types are {string.Join(", ", possibleTypeNames)}");
var issue = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueComponent()
Severity = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueSeverity.Error,
Code = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueType.NotSupported,
Details = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept() { Text = $"Expression included an 'is' test for {ceTa.Value} where possible types are {string.Join(", ", possibleTypeNames)}" }
if (be.Location != null)
issue.Location = new[] { $"Line {be.Location.LineNumber}, Position {be.Location.LineNumber}" };
// TODO:
r.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirBoolean));
FhirPathVisitorProps first = null;
foreach (var arg in expression.Arguments)
if (first != null)
_result.Append($" {be.Op} ");
first = arg.Accept(this);
if (be.Op == "=" || be.Op == "!=")
r.AddType(_mi, typeof(Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirBoolean));
foreach (var t in first.Types)
_result.AppendLine($" : {r.ToString()} (op: {be.Op})");
return r;
var rFocus = expression.Focus.Accept(this);
if (expression is IndexerExpression)
foreach (var arg in expression.Arguments)
foreach (var t in rFocus.Types)
// _result.AppendLine($" : {String.Join(", ", r.Types.Select(v => v.Name))}");
return r;
if (expression is ChildExpression ce)
// _stack.Push(rFocus);
if (!rFocus.isRoot)
if (rFocus.Types.FirstOrDefault().ClassMapping?.Name == ce.ChildName)
return r;
bool propFound = false;
foreach (var t in rFocus.Types)
var childProp = t.ClassMapping.FindMappedElementByName(ce.ChildName);
if (childProp == null)
// Check if this is a choice type (using the choicename in the type is not valid)
var ctCP = t.ClassMapping.FindMappedElementByChoiceName(ce.ChildName);
if (ctCP != null)
// report this as an error!!!
var issue = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueComponent()
Severity = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueSeverity.Error,
Code = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueType.Value,
Details = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept() { Text = $"prop '{ce.ChildName}' is the choice type, remove the type from the end - {ctCP.Name}" }
if (expression.Location != null)
issue.Location = new[] { $"Line {expression.Location.LineNumber}, Position {expression.Location.LineNumber}" };
if (childProp != null)
// _stack.Push()
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"read {childProp.Name} {String.Join(",", childProp.FhirType.Select(v => v.Name).ToArray())}");
if (childProp.Choice == ChoiceType.ResourceChoice)
foreach (var rt in Hl7.Fhir.Model.ModelInfo.SupportedResources)
if (!Hl7.Fhir.Model.ModelInfo.IsKnownResource(rt))
var cm = _mi.FindClassMapping(rt);
if (cm != null)
// System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"read {childProp.Name} {rt}");
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(cm, childProp));
propFound = true;
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"class {childProp.ImplementingType} not found");
else if (childProp.Choice == ChoiceType.DatatypeChoice)
foreach (var ft in childProp.FhirType)
var cm = _mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(ft);
if (cm != null)
if (ft.FullName == "Hl7.Fhir.Model.DataType" && t.ClassMapping.Name == "Extension")
// List the actual fhir types valid in extensions
foreach (var rt in Hl7.Fhir.Model.ModelInfo.OpenTypes)
var cme = _mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(rt);
if (cme != null)
// System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"read {childProp.Name} {rt}");
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(cme, childProp));
propFound = true;
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(cm, childProp));
propFound = true;
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"class {childProp.ImplementingType} not found");
foreach (var ct in childProp.FhirType)
var cm = _mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(ct);
if (cm != null)
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(cm, childProp));
propFound = true;
//var cm = _mi.FindOrImportClassMapping(childProp.ImplementingType);
//if (cm != null)
// r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(cm, childProp));
// propFound = true;
if (!propFound)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"prop '{ce.ChildName}' not found");
var issue = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueComponent()
Severity = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueSeverity.Error,
Code = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueType.NotFound,
Details = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept() { Text = $"prop '{ce.ChildName}' not found on {rFocus.ToString()}" }
if (expression.Location != null)
issue.Location = new[] { $"Line {expression.Location.LineNumber}, Position {expression.Location.LineNumber}" };
_result.AppendLine($" : {r.ToString()}");
return r;
if (!rFocus.isRoot)
if (expression.FunctionName == "select"
|| passthroughFuncs.Contains(expression.FunctionName))
List<FhirPathVisitorProps> argTypes = new();
foreach (var arg in expression.Arguments)
if (argTypes.Count > 0)
_result.Append(", ");
DeduceReturnType(expression, rFocus, argTypes, r);
if (expression.FunctionName == "select"
|| passthroughFuncs.Contains(expression.FunctionName)
_result.AppendLine($" : {r.ToString()}");
return r;
public override FhirPathVisitorProps VisitNewNodeListInit(NewNodeListInitExpression expression)
var r = new FhirPathVisitorProps();
append("new NodeSet");
// appendType(expression);
foreach (var element in expression.Contents)
return r;
public override FhirPathVisitorProps VisitVariableRef(VariableRefExpression expression)
var r = new FhirPathVisitorProps();
if (expression.Name == "builtin.that")
r.isRoot = true;
if (_stack.Any())
foreach (var t in _stack.Peek().Types)
foreach (var t in _inputTypes)
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(t));
// _result.AppendLine($" : {String.Join(", ", r.Types.Select(v => v.Name))}");
return r;
if (expression.Name == "builtin.this")
if (_stack.Any())
foreach (var t in _stack.Peek().Types)
foreach (var t in _inputTypes)
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(t));
_result.AppendLine($" : {r.ToString()}");
return r;
if (variables.ContainsKey(expression.Name))
r.Types.Add(new NodeProps(variables[expression.Name]));
_result.AppendLine($" : {r.ToString()}");
return r;
var issue = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueComponent()
Severity = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueSeverity.Error,
Code = Hl7.Fhir.Model.OperationOutcome.IssueType.NotFound,
Details = new Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept() { Text = $"variable '{expression.Name}' not found" }
if (expression.Location != null)
issue.Location = new[] { $"Line {expression.Location.LineNumber}, Position {expression.Location.LineNumber}" };
return r;
private void append(string text, bool newLine = true)
if (newLine)
_result.Append(new String(' ', _indent * 4));
private void incr()
_indent += 1;
private void decr()
_indent -= 1;
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