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Last active May 15, 2020 01:15
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  • Save brianpursley/f7272e48154934931c5a306ddd25700b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Count how many times a test occurs before the first failure, to help track down tests that cause other tests that come after them to fail
# Example Usage:
# ./ pull-kubernetes-e2e-kind 250
# Find all tests that were performed before the first failing test
find_potential_culprits() {
curl -s $1 > /tmp/build-log.txt
cat /tmp/build-log.txt | grep -E -m1 -B99999999 '^{"msg":"FAILED' | grep -E '^{"msg":"PASSED' | grep -oP '\[.*][^"]*' | sort | uniq
# Create some javascript that will be used to extract build log urls
cat << EOF > /tmp/build-log-url-extractor.js
for (var i = 0; i < allBuilds.items.length; i++) {
var item = allBuilds.items[i];
if (item.spec.job === "pull-kubernetes-e2e-kind" && !!item.status.build_id && item.status.state === "failure") {
var pulls = item.spec.refs.pulls;
for (var j = 0; j < pulls.length; j++) {
var p = pulls[j];
console.log("" + p.number + "/" + item.spec.job + "/" + item.status.build_id + "/build-log.txt");
# Extract the build log urls
echo "Finding build logs for $job jobs..."
curl -s ",labels,decoration_config,pod_spec" > /tmp/prowjobs.js
cat /tmp/prowjobs.js /tmp/build-log-url-extractor.js | node | head -n $max > /tmp/build-log-urls.txt
# Retrieve each build log and find potential culprits
total=$(cat /tmp/build-log-urls.txt | wc -l)
rm /tmp/potential-culprits.txt 2&> /dev/null
while read buildLogUrl; do
current=$((current + 1))
echo "[$current/$total] $buildLogUrl"
find_potential_culprits $buildLogUrl >> /tmp/potential-culprits.txt
if [ $current -eq $max ]; then
done < /tmp/build-log-urls.txt
# Construct a report sorted by frequency descending
cat /tmp/potential-culprits.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1nr -k2b > /tmp/potential-culprits-report.txt
cat /tmp/potential-culprits-report.txt
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