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Created June 15, 2016 15:15
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Job Hunt

1. Training Peaks Boulder, CO

List anyone else you know that works there
Link to the company's Github page(s)

training peaks github

List the tech stack of the company

tech I've worked with

  • RoR, API's, Git, AWS, OOD,

tech I havn't worked with

  • C# / .NET, Java, or similar experience preferred, with expert knowledge of OOD, common OO practices, and Design Patterns (in any language)
  • RESTful API knowledge: create, maintain, debug (.NET, RoR, Node, Python/Flask, etc.)
  • Domain Driven Design, experience with or desire to implement microservice architectures
  • RDBMS, NoSQL, Caching, APIs, Git and SCM, CI, AWS, Unit Testing, IOC frameworks, etc.


  • Boulder UI/UX group

Technical interview

  • Consume API
  • Improve database performance with a tool like NewRelic


  • Awesome company building software in an industry I love
  • In the front range
  • I have a friend/aquaintence that works there in management


  • No junior positions listed
  • I would rather live in Denver than Boulder
  • Strong emphasize on a Java programing language

2. GoSpotCheck Denver, CO

List any Turing/gSchool/Hungry Academy grads that work there

  • Nathan Owsiany

List anyone else you know that works there

  • Joey Alfono

Link to the company's Github page(s)


List the tech stack of the company

tech you've worked with

  • Rails, PostgresSQL, JavaScript

__tech you know almost nothing about

  • Backbone, iOS, Android

List any meetups and events they have recently or will soon sponsor

  • Denver Go meetup
  • Denver.rb

List 'pros' and 'cons' of working for this Company


  • Located in DT Denver
  • Solid financial growth
  • Hiring multiple positions


  • They are not known to hire juniors
  • I have a hard time getting exctited about a marketing product

What is your next step to pursue working at this company?

  • Sending the Turing alum a message on LinkedIn
  • Tailoring my resume to the company needs
  • Finding how I can set my skillset apart on a resume for what they are looking for

3. Pivotal Labs Denver, CO

List any Turing/gSchool/Hungry Academy grads that work there

  • none known

List anyone else you know that works there

  • Eric (EJ) Allen

Link to the company's Github page(s)


Open Source projects I could contribute to


List the tech stack of the company

tech you've worked with

  • Ruby

__tech you know almost nothing about

  • Python, Golang and/or Java programming languages

List any meetups and events they have recently or will soon sponsor

  • Tech Confluence
  • Denver.rb

List 'pros' and 'cons' of working for this Company


  • Located in DT Denver
  • 8 hours of pairing everyday would certainly sharpen my skills
  • Touch many different projects and tech stacks
  • Rapid learning


  • They are not known to hire juniors
  • Quantity not quality
  • High pressure to perform well out of the gate
  • Available mentorship

What is your next step to pursue working at this company?

  • Finding Turing alum that current work there or have
  • Tailoring my resume to the company needs
  • Finding how I can set my skillset apart on a resume for what they are looking for

4. Brandfolder Denver, CO

List any Turing/gSchool/Hungry Academy grads that work there

  • none known

List anyone else you know that works there

  • Logan Sears(mutual connections, gSchool grad)

Link to the company's Github page(s)


Open Source projects I could contribute to


List the tech stack of the company

tech you've worked with

  • Rails, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, HTML, AJAX,

__tech you know almost nothing about

  • Low-level language(Go, Rust, C)

List any meetups and events they have recently or will soon sponsor

  • Denver.rb
  • Code for Denver

List 'pros' and 'cons' of working for this Company


  • Located in DT Denver
  • Tech stack matched my skills perfectly
  • I love the product idea
  • Small but experienced dev team that could provide good mentorship


  • They are listing multiple years experience required
  • Other than that I am super excited about this company

What is your next step to pursue working at this company?

  • Chat with Steve Pentler who has recently applied
  • Making a connection via LinkedIn to chat with someone who works there
  • Tailoring my resume to the company needs and sending it in
  • Finding how I can set my skillset apart on a resume for what they are looking for

5. SpotX Westminster, CO

List any Turing/gSchool/Hungry Academy grads that work there

  • none found

List anyone else you know that works there

  • Deena Pardee(need to connect via LinkedIn)

Link to the company's Github page(s)


Open Source projects I could contribute to

demo adds

List the tech stack of the company

tech you've worked with

  • Javascript, React, Ruby, HTML, CSS

__tech you know almost nothing about

  • Java

List any meetups and events they have recently or will soon sponsor

  • none found

List 'pros' and 'cons' of working for this Company


  • Tech stack matched my skills perfectly
  • By what I have read it sounds like a good culture fit
  • Fun product
  • Solid mentorship available


  • Westminster
  • It is a JavaScipt/front-end position and I would like to be Full-Stack
  • Lack of experience in product industry

What is your next step to pursue working at this company?

  • Find a senior dev to chat with about company

  • Making a connection via LinkedIn to chat with someone who works there

  • Tailoring my resume to the company needs and sending it in

  • Finding how I can set my skillset apart on a resume for what they are looking for

  • More research on finding meetups the company or employees associate with.

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