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Last active May 13, 2016 22:01
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js exercism reviews

##Leap My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - This user used a similar if/else approach to my own but nested conditions instead of using && operators.

  • Responder #2 (here) - Much cleaner that the first responder. By use of the & and || operator the user was able to demonstrate a clear implementation.

  • Responder #3 (here) - It would have been possible for the user to return multple true condition by using the & operator instead of having 4 if statements.

  • Responder #4 (here) - This is similar to the 2nd user but this user was able to complete all conditions on one line knowing that it would automaitically return false if none of these conditions were met.

  • Responder #5 (here) - I really like the way this responder assigned variable to the four conditions using "let". This allows the function to display a very readable final method.

##Hamming My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - I really do not like the use of a and b as variable names. It makes the code hard to follow when it is not clear what these variables are representing.

  • Responder #2 (here) - It seems as though the user needs to improve the organization and overall syntax of the implementation. The assignment clear variables that were used appropriately.

  • Responder #3 (here) - I really like the naming conventions that are used and the way everything is broken into specific steps. The final line of code where he substracts the identical strings from the total makes if very clear what we ae getting back from the function.

  • Responder #4 (here) - This user's approach, while similar to that of the prior user, appears to be the cleanest and (for me) easiest-to-understand. It also confirms that the meat of this function can be taken care of with one "for loop" and one "if loop" if necessary.

  • Responder #5 (here) - This solution is clever in the way the user sets up a coutner to iterate on success of the loop. Not quite as readable as the previous example but solid.

##RNA Transcription My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - The use of const is something I need to look into. The implementaion reads well and uses good use of a forEach and split.

  • Responder #2 (here) - The set-up objet uses a combination of switch, case, and return which all seeam unecessary with the use of a basic key value pair as alternative.

  • Responder #3 (here) - This an example of a user using 3 or 4 more array methods that necessary to gather there result. My assigning better suited variables in the setup this could have been avoided

  • Responder #4 (here) - This response is similar to other in that the naming conventions are lacking the clarity need to really understand what is happening without having to recheck the spec.

  • Responder #5 (here) - This is my favorite of the bunch because the solution is short but does not sacrifice readbility. Best choice of enumeable I can think of, clear naming, and clean syntax.

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