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Some experimental computation expression builds for expressing folds
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
#nowarn "1204"
[<CompilerMessage("This construct is for use by compiled F# code and should not be used directly.", 1204, IsHidden=true)>]
type FoldBuilderCode<'T> = delegate of byref<'T> -> unit
[<Struct; IsReadOnly; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type FoldBuilder<'T> (state : 'T) =
member _.State = state
member inline _.Combine ([<InlineIfLambda>] f1 : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f2 : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> f1.Invoke &sm; f2.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Delay ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : unit -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> (f ()).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Zero () = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun _ -> ())
member inline _.While ([<InlineIfLambda>] condition : unit -> bool, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
while condition () do
body.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryWith ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] handle : exn -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with e -> (handle e).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryFinally ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, compensation : unit -> unit) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with _ ->
compensation ()
reraise ()
compensation ())
member inline builder.Using (disposable : #IDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : #IDisposable -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
builder.TryFinally ((fun sm -> (body disposable).Invoke &sm), (fun () -> if not (isNull (box disposable)) then disposable.Dispose ()))
member inline _.Yield ([<InlineIfLambda>] f) = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> sm <- f sm)
member inline builder.For (sequence : #seq<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : _ -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let builder = builder
builder.Using (sequence.GetEnumerator (), fun e -> builder.While ((fun () -> e.MoveNext ()), (fun sm -> (body e.Current).Invoke &sm)))
member inline this.Run ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let mutable sm = this.State
f.Invoke &sm
let fold state = FoldBuilder state
let sum xs = fold 0 { for x in xs -> (+) x }
sum [1..100]
let ``10 + 3 + 1..100`` = fold 10 { yield (+) 3; for x in [1..100] -> (+) x }
let rev xs = fold [] { for x in xs -> fun acc -> x :: acc }
rev [1..100]
let rebuild m = fold Map.empty { for KeyValue (k, v) in m -> Map.add k v }
rebuild (Map.ofList [for x in 1..100 -> x, x])
type FoldBuilder<'T> with
member inline builder.For (option : _ option, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : _ -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
match option with
| Some x -> (body x).Invoke &sm
| None -> ())
let two = fold 1 { for x in Some 1 -> (+) x }
type FoldBuilder<'T> with
member inline builder.For (result : Result<_, _>, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : _ -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
match result with
| Ok x -> (body x).Invoke &sm
| Error _ -> ())
let three = fold 1 { for x in Ok 2 -> (+) x }
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
#nowarn "1204"
[<CompilerMessage("This construct is for use by compiled F# code and should not be used directly.", 1204, IsHidden=true)>]
type FoldBuilderCode<'T> = delegate of byref<'T> -> unit
[<Struct; IsReadOnly; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type FoldBuilder<'T> (state : 'T) =
member _.State = state
member inline _.Combine ([<InlineIfLambda>] f1 : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f2 : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> f1.Invoke &sm; f2.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Delay ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : unit -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> (f ()).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Zero () = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun _ -> ())
member inline _.While ([<InlineIfLambda>] condition : unit -> bool, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
while condition () do
body.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryWith ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] handle : exn -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with e -> (handle e).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryFinally ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, compensation : unit -> unit) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with _ ->
compensation ()
reraise ()
compensation ())
member inline builder.Using (disposable : #IDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : #IDisposable -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
builder.TryFinally ((fun sm -> (body disposable).Invoke &sm), (fun () -> if not (isNull (box disposable)) then disposable.Dispose ()))
member inline _.Yield x = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> sm <- x)
member inline _.Yield ([<InlineIfLambda>] f) = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> sm <- f sm)
member inline builder.For (sequence : #seq<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : _ -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let builder = builder
builder.Using (sequence.GetEnumerator (), fun e -> builder.While ((fun () -> e.MoveNext ()), (fun sm -> (body (sm, e.Current)).Invoke &sm)))
member inline this.Run ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let mutable sm = this.State
f.Invoke &sm
let fold<'T> state = FoldBuilder<'T> state
let sum xs = fold 0 { for acc, x in xs -> acc + x }
sum [1..100]
let ``10 + 3 + 1..100`` = fold 10 { yield (+) 3; for acc, x in [1..100] -> acc + x }
let rev xs = fold [] { for acc, x in xs -> x :: acc }
rev [1..100]
let rebuild m = fold Map.empty { for acc, KeyValue (k, v) in m -> acc.Add (k, v) }
rebuild (Map.ofList [for x in 1..100 -> x, x])
open System
#nowarn "1204"
[<CompilerMessage("This construct is for use by compiled F# code and should not be used directly.", 1204, IsHidden=true)>]
type FoldBuilderCode<'T> = delegate of byref<'T> -> unit
[<Struct; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type FoldBuilder<'T> =
val mutable StateSet : bool
val mutable State : 'T
member inline _.Combine ([<InlineIfLambda>] f1 : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f2 : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun sm -> f1.Invoke &sm; f2.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Delay ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : unit -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun sm -> (f ()).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Zero () = FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun _ -> ())
member inline _.While (state, [<InlineIfLambda>] condition : unit -> bool, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun sm ->
if not sm.StateSet then
sm.State <- state
sm.StateSet <- true
while condition () do
body.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryWith ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] handle : exn -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with e -> (handle e).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryFinally ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, compensation : unit -> unit) =
FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with _ ->
compensation ()
reraise ()
compensation ())
member inline builder.Using (disposable : #IDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : #IDisposable -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
builder.TryFinally ((fun sm -> (body disposable).Invoke &sm), (fun () -> if not (isNull (box disposable)) then disposable.Dispose ()))
member inline _.Yield x = FoldBuilderCode<FoldBuilder<'T>> (fun sm -> sm.State <- x)
member inline builder.For ((state, sequence : #seq<_>), [<InlineIfLambda>] body : _ -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let mutable builder = builder
builder.Using (sequence.GetEnumerator (), fun e -> builder.While (state, (fun () -> e.MoveNext ()), (fun sm -> (body (sm.State, e.Current)).Invoke &sm)))
member inline this.Run ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let mutable sm = this
f.Invoke &sm
let fold<'T> = Unchecked.defaultof<FoldBuilder<'T>>
let sum xs = fold { for acc, x in 0, xs -> acc + x }
sum [1..100]
let rev xs = fold { for acc, x in [], xs -> x :: acc }
rev [1..100]
let rebuild m = fold { for acc, KeyValue (k, v) in Map.empty, m -> acc.Add (k, v) }
rebuild (Map.ofList [for x in 1..100 -> x, x])
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
#nowarn "1204"
[<CompilerMessage("This construct is for use by compiled F# code and should not be used directly.", 1204, IsHidden=true)>]
type FoldBuilderCode<'T> = delegate of byref<'T> -> unit
[<Struct; IsReadOnly; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type FoldBuilder<'T, 'TExt> (state : 'T) =
member _.State = state
member inline _.Combine ([<InlineIfLambda>] f1 : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f2 : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> f1.Invoke &sm; f2.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Delay ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : unit -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> (f ()).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.Zero () = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun _ -> ())
member inline _.While ([<InlineIfLambda>] condition : unit -> bool, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
while condition () do
body.Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryWith ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, [<InlineIfLambda>] handle : exn -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with e -> (handle e).Invoke &sm)
member inline _.TryFinally ([<InlineIfLambda>] body : FoldBuilderCode<_>, compensation : unit -> unit) =
FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm ->
try body.Invoke &sm
with _ ->
compensation ()
reraise ()
compensation ())
member inline builder.Using (disposable : #IDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] body : #IDisposable -> FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
builder.TryFinally ((fun sm -> (body disposable).Invoke &sm), (fun () -> if not (isNull (box disposable)) then disposable.Dispose ()))
member inline _.Yield ([<InlineIfLambda>] f) = FoldBuilderCode<'T> (fun sm -> sm <- f sm)
member inline this.Run ([<InlineIfLambda>] f : FoldBuilderCode<_>) =
let mutable sm = this.State
f.Invoke &sm
type FoldBuilderExtensions =
static member inline For<
'State when ('Input or 'Extensions) : (static member Fold : ('State -> 'Intermediate -> 'State) * 'State * 'Input -> 'State)
> (
_builder : FoldBuilder<'State, 'Extensions>,
foldable : 'Input,
[<InlineIfLambda>] body : 'Intermediate -> FoldBuilderCode<'State>
) =
let folder sm x =
let mutable sm = sm
(body x).Invoke &sm
let inline call folder state input = ((^Input or ^Extensions) : (static member Fold : ('State -> 'Intermediate -> 'State) * 'State * 'Input -> 'State) (folder, state, input))
FoldBuilderCode<'State> (fun sm -> sm <- call folder sm foldable)
type FoldExtensions =
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = List.fold folder state input
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = Array.fold folder state input
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = Set.fold folder state input
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = Option.fold folder state input
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = ValueOption.fold folder state input
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = Result.fold folder state input
static member Fold (folder, state, input) = Seq.fold folder state input
let fold<'T> state = FoldBuilder<'T, FoldExtensions> state
let sum = fold 0 { for x in [1..100] -> (+) x }
let sum' = fold 2 { for x in Some 1 -> (+) x }
let sum'' = fold 2 { for x in set [1..100] -> (+) x }
let sum''' = fold 2 { for x in [|1..100|] -> (+) x }
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