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Created October 7, 2023 13:08
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fastai example code
from import *
from fastai.text.all import *
from fastai.collab import *
from fastai.tabular.all import *
path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)/'images'
def is_cat(x): return x[0].isupper()
dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
path, get_image_files(path), valid_pct=0.2, seed=42,
label_func=is_cat, item_tfms=Resize(224))
learn = vision_learner(dls, convnext_small, metrics=error_rate)
print("Training text processing model")
dls = TextDataLoaders.from_folder(untar_data(URLs.IMDB), valid='test')
learn = text_classifier_learner(dls, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.5, metrics=accuracy)
learn.fine_tune(2, 1e-2)
learn.predict("I really liked that movie!")
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