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Last active December 29, 2020 19:22
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Explanation of recursion and fibonacci numbers

[[recursion and the stack]] #recursion

  • Recursion is when a function calls itself.
  • A recursive algorithm must have a base case, which is a state that tells the recursive function to stop calling itself and return a value
  • fibonacci numbers

  • The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of integers in which the first two elements are 0 & 1, and each following elements are the sum of the two preceding elements:
  • 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ..., 233
  • fibo(n) = fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2)


 function fibonacciLoop(nthNumber) {
        //use loop
        let previouspreviousNumber
        let previousNumber = 0
        let currentNumber = 1;

        for (int i = 1; i < nthNumber ; i++) {

            previouspreviousNumber = previousNumber;

            previousNumber = currentNumber;

            currentNumber = previouspreviousNumber + previousNumber;

        return currentNumber;


function fibonacciRecursion(nthNumber) {
        //use recursion
        if (nthNumber === 0) {

            return 0;

        } else if (nthNumber == 1) {

            return 1;
     return fibonacciRecursion(nthNumber - 1) + fibonacciRecursion(nthNumber - 2);

What is happening?

  • If you ask fibonacci for the 4th number, it calls itself to get the 3rd number and second number, and adds them together.
  • it keeps calling itself until it reaches the base case, which in this case is fibonacci(0) and fibonacci(1) since we know we return 1 for this value. Always try to identify the base case.
  • The higher numbers are "waiting" from the results of lower numbers, so after the base case returns, the stack "unwinds"
  • fibonacci(4) is equal to fibonacci(3) + fibonacci(2)
  • fibonacci(3) is equal to fibonacci(2) + fibonacci(1)
  • fibonacci(2) is equal to fibonacci(1) + fibonacci(0)
  • fibonacci(1) is equal to 1
  • fibonacci(0) is equal to 1
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