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Last active October 13, 2023 23:39
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"Handles nbb side of cached-db functionality. File path and cache implementation
encapsulated in this ns"
(:require [datascript.transit :as dt]
[datascript.core :as d]
[logseq.graph-parser.cli :as gp-cli]
[logseq.graph-parser :as graph-parser]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.db.rules :as rules]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
["fs" :as fs]))
(def ^:private cache-file
"Cache file for storing transit db"
(defn ^:api read-db
"Reads db from cache file"
(dt/read-transit-str (fs/readFileSync cache-file)))
(defn write-db
"Writes cache db file given the graph directory. First time writing the cache
can take long for large graphs since all files are parsed. Subsequent writes
are quick as the cache only needs to update changed files."
[dir changed-files]
(if (fs/existsSync cache-file)
(let [old-conn (d/conn-from-db (read-db))
files (->> changed-files
;; Can remove if the graph-parser filters with frontend.util.fs/ignored-path?
(remove #(string/includes? % "logseq/bak"))
(map #(hash-map :file/path %
:file/content (str (fs/readFileSync %)))))
delete-blocks (fn [db file-page file-path uuid-blocks]
(into (graph-parser/get-blocks-to-delete db file-page file-path uuid-blocks)
;; Delete page to allow for page properties to be redefined
;; Assumes no page rename for now
[[:db.fn/retractEntity [:block/name (:block/name file-page)]]]))
conn (:conn (gp-cli/parse-graph dir
{:conn old-conn
:files files
:verbose true
:parse-file-options {:delete-blocks-fn delete-blocks}}))]
(println "Updating cache file" cache-file)
(fs/writeFileSync cache-file (dt/write-transit-str @conn)))
(let [conn (:conn (gp-cli/parse-graph dir {:verbose false}))]
(println "Writing cache file" cache-file)
(fs/writeFileSync cache-file (dt/write-transit-str @conn))))
(defn- main [graph-dir query-str]
(let [cache-exists? (fs/existsSync cache-file)
conn (if cache-exists?
(d/conn-from-db (read-db))
(let [conn (:conn (gp-cli/parse-graph graph-dir {:verbose false}))]
(write-db graph-dir [])
query* (edn/read-string query-str)
query (into query* [:in '$ '%]) ;; assumes no :in are in queries
results (map first (apply d/q query @conn [(vals rules/query-dsl-rules)]))]
(clj->js results)))
import { loadFile } from "@logseq/nbb-logseq";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { dirname, resolve } from "path";
const __dirname = fileURLToPath(dirname(import.meta.url));
const logseqPath = resolve(__dirname, "../logseq");
const cachedDbPath = resolve(__dirname, "cached_db.cljs");
const main = await loadFile(cachedDbPath);
const pagesQuery = `[:find (pull ?p [*])
[?p :block/properties ?pr]
[(get ?pr :public) ?t]
[(= true ?t)]
[?p :block/created-at]
[?p :block/updated-at]]`;
const result = main.root(logseqPath, pagesQuery);
declare module '@logseq/nbb-logseq' {
export function loadString(input: string): Promise<any>;
export function loadFile(input: string): Promise<any>;
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