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Created May 24, 2012 19:00
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Functional Javascript Programming
var util = (function( getElementById,
undefined ){
var cache = function( key, value ){
var rtn, func = arguments.callee;
rtn = func._cache = func._cache || {};
if( arguments.length < 1 ) { rtn = func._cache; }
else if( arguments.length < 2 ) { rtn = func._cache[ key ]; }
else if( arguments.length > 1 ) { func._cache[ key ] = value; }
return rtn;
}, chain = function(){
var scope, func, args = argumentsToArray( arguments );
scope = args.shift();
func = args.shift();
if (func) { func.apply( scope, args ); }
return scope;
}, map = function( obj, func ){
for( var i in obj ){
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(i) ) {
func.apply( this, [ i, obj[i] ] );
return {
cache: cache,
id: function( id ){
return chain( this, function(){
cache( 'id', id );
cache( 'target', getElementById( id ) );
target: function( target ){
return chain(this, function( type, func ){
if(type==='function') {
func.apply( this, [ cache('target') ] );
} else {
cache( 'target', target );
}, typeof( target ), target);
content:function( content ){
return chain(this, function(){
cache( 'content', content );
innerHTML( cache( 'target' ), content );
css:function( css ){
return chain( this, function(){
cache( 'css', css );
map( css, function( i, item ){
style( cache( 'target' ), i, css[i] );
container: function( container ){
return chain( this, function(){
cache( 'container', container );
html: function( html ){
return chain( this, function(){
cache( 'html', html );
insert: function( insert ){
return chain( this, function(){
if( insert != null ){ cache( 'insert', insert ) };
cache( 'element', createElement( cache( 'container' ) ) );
innerHTML( cache( 'element' ), cache( 'html' ) );
switch ( cache( 'insert' ) ) {
case 'inside':
inside( cache( 'target' ), cache( 'element' ) );
case 'after':
after( cache( 'target' ), cache( 'element' ) );
cache( 'target' , cache( 'element' ));
style: function( style ){
return chain( this, function(){
cache( 'style', style );
format: function( format ){
return chain( this, function(){
cache( 'format', format );
style( cache( 'target' ), cache( 'style' ), format );
}( function( id ){ return document.getElementById( id ); }, //getElementById
function( tag ){ return document.createElement( tag ); }, //createElement
function( arguments ){ return Array.prototype.slice.apply( arguments ); }, //argumentsToArray
function( target, html ){ target.innerHTML = html; }, //innerHTML
function( target, style, format ){[style] = format; }, //style
function( target, node ){ target.appendChild( node ); }, //inside
function( target, node ){ target.parentNode.insertBefore( node, target.nextSibling ); } )); //after'lga').content('<div id="myStuff"></div>').id('myStuff').css({'font-size':'100px','font-family':'serif','text-align':'center'}).container('span').html('B').insert('inside').style('color').format('blue').html('o').insert('after').format('red').insert().format('orange').html('g').insert().format('blue').html('i').insert().format('green').html('e').insert().format('red').id('gbqfq').target(function(t){t.value='all night long'});
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