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Last active June 17, 2016 21:38
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  • Save briantist/9ab9d086a7cf11d69646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save briantist/9ab9d086a7cf11d69646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Checks parameters of a specific command for parameters that should have a value but are not Mandatory.
If a parameter is not marked as Mandatory but the intention is for a value to be supplied, this function
will look for an alias that begins with the string "Required_". If such an alias is found and the
parameter is not bound, this function will throw an exception or set a breakpoint depending on the
options supplied.
You must pass $MyInvocation.MyCommand as the value of this parameter.
.PARAMETER BoundParams
You must pass $PSBoundParameters as the value of this parameter. It can also be supplied by pipeline.
.PARAMETER SetBreakpoint
If this is set, then an exception will not be thrown. Instead, a breakpoint will be set on the line
where this function was called. Because that is earlier in the stack however, the breakpoint will
not be hit unless the parameter fails validation again.
If you set -Debug with -SetBreakpoint, then the breakpoint info will be written to the Debug stream.
SetBreakpoint is not well-tested and may not work on scripts that aren't saved to disk.
$PSBoundParameters | Validate-MandatoryOptionalParameters -Context $MyInvocation.MyCommand
function Validate-MandatoryOptionalParameters {
$Context ,
$BoundParams ,
Process {
foreach($param in $Context.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($param.Value.Aliases.Where({$_ -imatch '^Required_'})) {
if (!$BoundParams[$param.Key]) {
if ($SetBreakpoint) {
$stack = Get-PSCallStack | Select-Object -Index 1
Set-PSBreakpoint -Line $stack.ScriptLineNumber -Script $stack.ScriptName | Write-Debug
} else {
throw [System.ArgumentException]"'$($param.Key)' in command '$($Context.Name)' must be supplied by the caller."
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