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Last active December 11, 2015 11:39
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Lemonstand ajax search filter example
<section class="search-filter pull-left clearfix">
{% if selected_categories is not defined %}
{% set my_cat = category ? method('Extensions320ny_Shop_Category', 'create').find_by_id( : ''%}
{% set selected_categories = category ? [] : [] %}
{% endif %}
<form id="search-filter" method="get" action="/search">
<input type="hidden" name="query" value="{{ query ? query: '' }}">
<select id="sorting-option" name="sorting">
{% set sorting_options = {
'relevance': 'Relevance',
'name': 'Name',
'name desc': 'Name desc',
'price': 'Price',
'price desc': 'Price desc',
'created_at': 'Oldest first',
'created_at desc': 'Newest first',
'product_rating': 'Rating approved',
'product_rating desc': 'Rating approved desc',
'product_rating_all': 'Rating all',
'product_rating_all desc': 'Rating all desc' } %}
{% set current_sorting = sorting %}
{% for sorting_col, sorting_name in sorting_options %}
<option {{ option_state(current_sorting, sorting_col) }}
value="{{ sorting_col }}">{{ sorting_name }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% set categories = method('Shop_Category', 'create').list_root_children('front_end_sort_order') %}
{% if categories.count %}
{{ category ? "" : "<h4>Departments</h4>"}}
<select id="category-select" style="display:none;" {{category ? '':"multiple" }} name="categories[]">
{% for cat in categories %}
{{ in selected_categories ? 'selected="selected"' : null }}
value="{{ }}">{{ }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% if category is not defined %}
{% for category in categories %}
<span data-select="category-select" data-value="{{}}" data-type="category"
{{ in selected_categories ? 'class="category-filter filter-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="category-filter filter-option"' }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- BRAND -->
{% set manufacturers = category ? category.list_manufacturers() : method('Shop_Manufacturer', 'create').order('name').find_all() %}
{{ manufacturers | length > 0 ? "<h4>Brand</h4>" : "" }}
{% set selected_manufacturers = selected_manufacturers ? selected_manufacturers : [] %}
<select id="brand-select" class="search-filter-select" name="manufacturers[]" multiple style="display:none">
{% for manufacturer in manufacturers %}
<option class="brand-option"
{{ in selected_manufacturers ? 'selected="selected"' : null }}
value="{{ }}">{{ }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% for manufacturer in manufacturers %}
<span data-select="brand-select" data-value="{{}}" data-type="brand"
{{ in selected_manufacturers ? 'class="brand-filter filter-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="brand-filter filter-option"' }}
{% endfor %}
<!-- SIZE -->
{% set option_values = category ? my_cat.list_unique_product_option_values('Size') : method('Shop_CustomAttribute','list_unique_values','Size') %}
{{ option_values | length > 0 ? "<h4>Size</h4>" : "" }}
{% set selected_size = selected_options['Size'] ? selected_options['Size'] : [] %}
<input type="hidden" name="option_names[]" value="Size"/>
<select style="display:none" id="size-select" class="search-filter-select" name="option_values[]">
<option value=""><strong>Choose Size</strong></option>
{% for value in option_values %}
{{ option_state(value, attribute(selected_options, 'Size')) }}
value="{{ value }}">{{ value }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% for value in option_values %}
<span id="{{value}}" data-value="{{value}}" data-select="size-select" {{ selected_size == value ? 'class="filter-option size-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="filter-option size-option"' }}>{{value}}</span>
{% endfor %}
<!-- PRICE -->
<span {{ max_price == 20 ? 'class="price-option filter-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="price-option filter-option"' }} data-min="0" data-max="20" name="price">$0 to $20</span>
<span {{ max_price == 40 ? 'class="price-option filter-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="price-option filter-option"' }} data-min="20" data-max="40" name="price">$20 to $40</span>
<span {{ max_price == 100 ? 'class="price-option filter-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="price-option filter-option"' }} data-min="40" data-max="100" name="price">$40 to $100</span>
<span {{ max_price == 200 ? 'class="price-option filter-option search-filter-selection"' : 'class="price-option filter-option"' }} data-min="101" data-max="200" name="price">$101 to $200</span>
<input type="hidden" id="price-min" value="{{ min_price }}" name="min_price"/>
<input type="hidden" id="price-max" value="{{ max_price }}" name="max_price"/>
<!-- COLOR -->
<section class="search-filter-color">
{% set option_values = category ? my_cat.list_unique_product_option_values("Color") : method('Shop_CustomAttribute','list_unique_values','Color') %}
{{ option_values|length > 0 ? "<h4>Color</h4>" : "" }}
{% set selected_color = selected_options["Color"] ? selected_options["Color"] : [] %}
<input type="hidden" name="option_names[]" value="Color"/>
<select id="color-select" class="search-filter-select" name="option_values[]" style="display:none;">
<option value=""></option>
{% for value in option_values %}
{{ option_state(value, attribute(selected_options, 'Color')) }}
value="{{ value }}">{{ value }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% for value in option_values %}
<span data-select="color-select" data-value={{value}} {{ selected_color == value ? 'class="color-option color-square color-selected"': 'class="color-square color-option"'}} id="{{value[1:8]}}" style="background-color: {{value}};"></span>
{% endfor %}
</section><!-- end search-filter-color -->
<!--<input class="btn" type="submit" value="Search" />-->
</section><!-- end search-filter -->
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