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Forked from chrishanretty/imf.R
Last active January 22, 2016 08:10
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remixing Chris Giles' analysis of IMF WEO, threading on Chris Hanretty's R code
# Chris Giles:
# "Robustness of IMF data scrutinised", Oct 12 2012:
# "Has the IMF proved multipliers are really large? (wonkish)" Oct 12 2012:
# "The IMF and multipliers, again", Jan 7 2013:
# Chris Hanretty:
# Download.
file = "IMFmultipliers.xls"
download("", file)
# Import.
imf <- read.xlsx(file,
sheetIndex = 2,
rowIndex = c(4:52)[-34],
colIndex = c(1:11, 14:15, 17:20),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
header = FALSE)
# Variable names.
names(imf) <- c("Country",
# Data cleaning.
imf <- within(imf, {
# fix country codes
iso3c <- countrycode(Country, "", "iso3c")
iso3c [ which(imf$Country == "Kosovo") ] <- "KOS"
# fix chr encodings
delta_struct_bal <- as.numeric(delta_struct_bal)
delta_cyc_adj_prim_bal <- as.numeric(delta_cyc_adj_prim_bal)
# Subset.
imf <- imf[!$delta_struct_bal), ]
# Scatterplot.
imf.plot <- qplot(data = imf, y = delta_growth, x = delta_struct_bal,
label = iso3c, geom = "text") +
labs(x = "Fiscal consolidation", y = "Growth forecast error") + theme_bw()
# Linear regression.
summary(imf.lm <- lm(delta_growth ~ delta_struct_bal, data = imf))
# Coefficients.
imf.coef <- coef(imf.lm)
# With line.
imf.plot + geom_abline(intercept = imf.coef[1], slope = imf.coef[2])
# With LOESS.
imf.plot + geom_smooth(method = "lm")
# Residuals and fitted values, with diagnostics.
imf.rvf <- data.frame(
iso3c = imf$iso3c,
residual = imf.lm$residuals,
yhat = imf.lm$fitted.values,
rsta = rstandard(imf.lm),
outlier1 = abs(rstandard(imf.lm)) > 2,
cooksd = cooks.distance(imf.lm),
outlier2 = cooks.distance(imf.lm) > 1)
# Concordance of diagnostics.
table(with(imf.rvf, outlier1 == outlier2))
# rvf
imf.rvfplot <- qplot(data = imf.rvf, y = residual, x = yhat, label = iso3c, geom = "text") +
geom_hline(y = 0, linetype = "dotted") +
labs(y = "Residuals", x = "Fitted values") + theme_bw()
# With LOESS.
imf.rvfplot + geom_smooth()
# Variations with Cook's D:
imf.rvfplot + aes(color = outlier) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "Cook's D > 1", values = c("black", "red"))
imf.rvfplot + aes(color = cooksd) +
scale_colour_gradient(name = "Cook's D", low = "black", high = "red")
imf.rvfplot + geom_point(aes(color = cooksd), alpha = .5, size = 18) +
scale_colour_gradient(name = "Cook's D", low = "white", high = "red")
imf.rvfplot +
geom_point(data = subset(imf.rvf, outlier2 == TRUE), color = "red", size = 18, alpha = .4)
# Variations with rsta:
imf.rvfplot + aes(y = rsta) + labs(y = "Standardized residuals") +
geom_hline(y = c(-2, 2), linetype = "dotted")
imf.rvfplot + aes(y = rsta) + labs(y = "Standardized residuals") +
geom_hline(y = c(-2, 2), linetype = "dotted") +
geom_point(data = subset(imf.rvf, outlier1 == TRUE), color = "red", size = 18, alpha = .4)
# Normality of standardized residuals.
ggplot(imf.rvf, aes(sample = rsta)) +
geom_text(label = imf.rvf$iso3c, stat="qq") +
geom_abline(linetype = "dotted")
imf.qqplot <- qplot(sample = rsta, data = imf.rvf) +
geom_abline(linetype = "dotted") + theme_bw()
# Store the plot data.
imf.qq <- ggplot_build(imf.qqplot)$data[[1]]
# Add country codes.
imf.qq <- within(imf.qq, {
delta = abs(sample - theoretical)
iso3c <- imf.rvf$iso3c[order(imf.rvf$rsta)]
# Plot again with country codes.
qplot(data = imf.qq, x = theoretical, y = sample, label = iso3c, geom = "text") +
geom_abline(linetype = "dotted") + theme_bw()
# Plot again with colored circles.
qplot(data = imf.qq, x = theoretical, y = sample, size = I(18), alpha = I(.2), geom = "point") +
aes(color = delta) + scale_color_gradient(name = "Deviation", low = "white", high = "red") +
geom_text(aes(label = iso3c)) +
geom_abline(linetype = "dotted") + theme_bw()
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