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Last active September 19, 2019 10:17
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svyplot -- a wrapper for catplot (Stata)
*! 0.2.3 F. Briatte 20mar2013
cap pr drop svyplot
program svyplot
syntax varlist(max=3) [if] [in] [aweight fweight iweight/] ///
[, Reds Blues Ascending Descending Horizontal Ymax(int 100) ///
Float(int 0) Size(real 3.5) ANGLE(int 0) NOPercent XLAb *]
// parse options
local plot = cond("`horizontal'" != "", "hbar", "bar") // bars by default
if strpos("`options'", "stack") > 0 local pos = "position(center)"
if "`nopercents'" == "" local b = "blabel(bar, `pos' size(`size') format(%3.`float'f))"
local red = ("`reds'" != "")
local blu = ("`blues'"!= "")
if `red' + `blu' > 1 {
di as err "only one color option allowed"
exit 198
else {
if `red' local col = "178 24 43"
if `blu' local col = "33 102 172"
local asc = ("`ascending'" != "")
local des = ("`descending'"!= "")
if `asc' + `des' > 1 {
di as err "only one sort option allowed"
exit 198
else {
local rev = cond(`des' == 1, 1, 0) // ascending order by default
if `asc' + `des' > 0 local y "`y' asyvars"
if `asc' + `des' > 0 & `red' + `blu' < 1 di as txt ///
"Warning: no color option specified; " ///
"sort option ignored"
// parse variables
tokenize `varlist'
qui tab `1' `2' `if' `in'
local ycat = r(r)
local angle "lab(angle(`angle'))"
if `: word count `varlist'' > 1 {
local p = cond("`3'" == "", "`2' `by'", "`2' `3' `by'")
local y = "`y' percent(`p') over(`2', `angle')"
if `: word count `varlist'' > 2 local y = "`y' over(`3', `angle')"
else {
local y = "`y' percent"
local t1: variable l `1'
if "`xlab'" != "" {
local t2: variable l `2'
local b1 = cond("`horizontal'" != "", "", "`t2'")
local l1 = cond("`horizontal'" != "", "`t2'", "")
if "`col'" != "" {
local gradient ""
qui levelsof `1' `if' `in', local(n)
local i = 1
foreach l of local n {
local d = round((`i' + 1) / (`ycat' + 1), .01)
if `rev' == 1 local d = round((`ycat' + 2 -`i') / (`ycat' + 1), .01)
local gradient "`gradient' bar(`i++', blc(`col'*.8) bfc(`col'*`d'))"
// plot
di as err "`options'"
cap which catplot
if _rc == 111 qui ssc install catplot, replace
catplot `1' `if' `in', `y' `b' recast(`plot') yla(0(20)`ymax', angle(h)) ///
legend(bmargin(bottom) row(1)) ///
ti("`t1'", margin(bottom)) yti("") b1ti("`b1'") l1ti("`l1'") ///
`gradient' `options'
* General Social Survey 2008
use data/gss2010 if year == 2008, clear
svyplot marital, ymax(60)
gr export 1_uni.png, replace
svyplot health race, asc red ymax(60)
gr export 2_bi.png, replace
svyplot happy polviews, des stack angle(25) scheme(burd3)
gr export 3_bistack.png, replace
svyplot inequal3 race, asc hor stack scheme(burd5)
gr export 4_bihstack.png, replace
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