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Created July 19, 2013 23:55
> # Get data for 2011
> query <- c("cbt" = "'cognitive behavior therapy' OR 'cognitive behavioral therapy' OR 'cognitive therapy' AND 2011[DP]")
> pub.efetch <- searchPubmed(query)
Searching (downloading 1718 articles)
Completed download from PubMed.
> cbt_2011 <- extractJournal()
XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
StartTag: invalid element name
Error: 1: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
2: StartTag: invalid element name
> traceback()
5: stop(e)
4: (function (msg, ...)
if (length(grep("\\\n$", msg)) == 0)
paste(msg, "\n", sep = "")
if (immediate)
if (length(msg) == 0) {
e = simpleError(paste(1:length(messages), messages, sep = ": ",
collapse = ""))
class(e) = c(class, class(e))
messages <<- c(messages, msg)
3: .Call("RS_XML_ParseTree", as.character(file), handlers, as.logical(ignoreBlanks),
as.logical(replaceEntities), as.logical(asText), as.logical(trim),
as.logical(validate), as.logical(getDTD), as.logical(isURL),
as.logical(addAttributeNamespaces), as.logical(useInternalNodes),
as.logical(isHTML), as.logical(isSchema), as.logical(fullNamespaceInfo),
as.character(encoding), as.logical(useDotNames), xinclude,
error, addFinalizer, as.integer(options), PACKAGE = "XML")
2: xmlTreeParse(pub.efetch, useInternalNodes = TRUE) at pubmed.R#64
1: extractJournal()
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