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briatte/blood.r Secret

Last active October 13, 2015 17:21
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Save briatte/e268c044af96c99f1029 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
testing two different edge shortening methods
blood <- structure(list(mel = list(structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 3L,
atl = structure(list(na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl",
"outl", "atl")), structure(list(inl = 3L, outl = 3L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 4L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 1L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 3L, outl = 1L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 2L, outl = 1L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 1L, outl = 1L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 2L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 2L, outl = 2L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 5L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 3L, outl = 5L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 6L, outl = 5L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 5L, outl = 5L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 6L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 6L, outl = 6L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 2L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 1L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 3L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 6L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 5L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 8L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 7L, outl = 7L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 4L, outl = 8L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 2L, outl = 8L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 6L, outl = 8L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
)), structure(list(inl = 8L, outl = 8L, atl = structure(list(
na = FALSE), .Names = "na")), .Names = c("inl", "outl", "atl"
))), gal = structure(list(n = 8, mnext = 28L, directed = TRUE,
hyper = FALSE, loops = FALSE, multiple = FALSE, bipartite = FALSE), .Names = c("n",
"mnext", "directed", "hyper", "loops", "multiple", "bipartite"
)), val = list(structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "A-"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "A+"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "AB-"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "AB+"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "B-"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "B+"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "O-"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names")), structure(list(na = FALSE, vertex.names = "O+"), .Names = c("na",
"vertex.names"))), iel = list(c(17L, 7L), c(6L, 25L, 16L, 9L),
c(5L, 19L, 11L, 2L), c(1L, 3L, 4L, 8L, 24L, 18L, 14L, 10L
), c(21L, 13L), c(12L, 26L, 20L, 15L), 23L, c(22L, 27L)),
oel = list(c(7L, 6L, 5L, 4L), c(9L, 8L), c(2L, 1L), 3L, c(10L,
13L, 12L, 11L), c(15L, 14L), c(16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 23L,
22L, 21L), c(24L, 25L, 27L, 26L))), .Names = c("mel", "gal",
"val", "iel", "oel"), class = "network")
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
utils::globalVariables(c("X1", "X2", "Y1", "Y2", "midX", "midY"))
#' ggnet2 - Plot a network with ggplot2
#' Function for plotting network objects using ggplot2, with additional control
#' over graphical parameters that are not supported by the \code{\link{ggnet}}
#' function. Please visit \url{} for the latest
#' version of ggnet2, and \url{} for a vignette
#' that contains many examples and explanations.
#' @export
#' @param net an object of class \code{\link[network]{network}}, or any object
#' that can be coerced to this class, such as an adjacency or incidence matrix,
#' or an edge list: see \link[network]{edgeset.constructors} and
#' \link[network]{network} for details. If the object is of class
#' \code{\link[igraph:igraph-package]{igraph}} and the
#' \code{\link[intergraph:intergraph-package]{intergraph}} package is installed,
#' it will be used to convert the object: see
#' \code{\link[intergraph]{asNetwork}} for details.
#' @param mode a placement method from those provided in the
#' \code{\link[sna]{sna}} package: see \link[sna:gplot.layout]{gplot.layout} for
#' details. Also accepts the names of two numeric vertex attributes of
#' \code{net}, or a matrix of numeric coordinates, in which case the first two
#' columns of the matrix are used.
#' Defaults to the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm.
#' @param layout.par options to be passed to the placement method, as listed in
#' \link[sna]{gplot.layout}.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param layout.exp a multiplier to expand the horizontal axis if node labels
#' get clipped: see \link[scales]{expand_range} for details.
#' Defaults to \code{0} (no expansion).
#' @param alpha the level of transparency of the edges and nodes, which might be
#' a single value, a vertex attribute, or a vector of values.
#' Also accepts \code{"mode"} on bipartite networks (see 'Details').
#' Defaults to \code{1} (no transparency).
#' @param color the color of the nodes, which might be a single value, a vertex
#' attribute, or a vector of values.
#' Also accepts \code{"mode"} on bipartite networks (see 'Details').
#' Defaults to \code{grey75}.
#' @param shape the shape of the nodes, which might be a single value, a vertex
#' attribute, or a vector of values.
#' Also accepts \code{"mode"} on bipartite networks (see 'Details').
#' Defaults to \code{19} (solid circle).
#' @param size the size of the nodes, in points, which might be a single value,
#' a vertex attribute, or a vector of values. Also accepts \code{"indegree"},
#' \code{"outdegree"}, \code{"degree"} or \code{"freeman"} to size the nodes by
#' their unweighted degree centrality (\code{"degree"} and \code{"freeman"} are
#' equivalent): see \code{\link[sna]{degree}} for details. All node sizes must
#' be strictly positive.
#' Also accepts \code{"mode"} on bipartite networks (see 'Details').
#' Defaults to \code{9}.
#' @param max_size the \emph{maximum} size of the node when \code{size} produces
#' nodes of different sizes, in points.
#' Defaults to \code{9}.
#' @param na.rm whether to subset the network to nodes that are \emph{not}
#' missing a given vertex attribute. If set to any vertex attribute of
#' \code{net}, the nodes for which this attribute is \code{NA} will be removed.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (does nothing).
#' @param palette the palette to color the nodes, when \code{color} is not a
#' color value or a vector of color values. Accepts named vectors of color
#' values, or if \code{\link[RColorBrewer]{RColorBrewer}} is installed, any
#' ColorBrewer palette name: see \code{\link[RColorBrewer]{brewer.pal}} and
#' \url{} for details.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}, which will create an array of grayscale color values
#' if \code{color} is not a color value or a vector of color values.
#' @param alpha.palette the palette to control the transparency levels of the
#' nodes set by \code{alpha} when the levels are not numeric values.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}, which will create an array of alpha transparency
#' values if \code{alpha} is not a numeric value or a vector of numeric values.
#' @param alpha.legend the name to assign to the legend created by
#' \code{alpha} when its levels are not numeric values.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (no name).
#' @param color.palette see \code{palette}
#' @param color.legend the name to assign to the legend created by
#' \code{palette}.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (no name).
#' @param shape.palette the palette to control the shapes of the nodes set by
#' \code{shape} when the shapes are not numeric values.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}, which will create an array of shape values if
#' \code{shape} is not a numeric value or a vector of numeric values.
#' @param shape.legend the name to assign to the legend created by
#' \code{shape} when its levels are not numeric values.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (no name).
#' @param size.palette the palette to control the sizes of the nodes set by
#' \code{size} when the sizes are not numeric values.
#' @param size.legend the name to assign to the legend created by
#' \code{size}.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (no name).
#' @param whether to accept zero-sized nodes based on the value(s) of
#' \code{size}.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}, which ensures that zero-sized nodes are still
#' shown in the plot and its size legend.
#' @param size.cut whether to cut the size of the nodes into a certain number of
#' quantiles. Accepts \code{TRUE}, which tries to cut the sizes into quartiles,
#' or any positive numeric value, which tries to cut the sizes into that many
#' quantiles. If the size of the nodes do not contain the specified number of
#' distinct quantiles, the largest possible number is used.
#' See \code{\link[stats]{quantile}} and \code{\link[base]{cut}} for details.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} (does nothing).
#' @param size.min whether to subset the network to nodes with a minimum size,
#' based on the values of \code{size}.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (preserves all nodes).
#' @param size.max whether to subset the network to nodes with a maximum size,
#' based on the values of \code{size}.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} (preserves all nodes).
#' @param label whether to label the nodes. If set to \code{TRUE}, nodes are
#' labeled with their vertex names. If set to a vector that contains as many
#' elements as there are nodes in \code{net}, nodes are labeled with these. If
#' set to any other vector of values, the nodes are labeled only when their
#' vertex name matches one of these values.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} (no labels).
#' @param label.alpha the level of transparency of the node labels, as a
#' numeric value, a vector of numeric values, or as a vertex attribute
#' containing numeric values.
#' Defaults to \code{1} (no transparency).
#' @param label.color the color of the node labels, as a color value, a vector
#' of color values, or as a vertex attribute containing color values.
#' Defaults to \code{"black"}.
#' @param label.size the size of the node labels, in points, as a numeric value,
#' a vector of numeric values, or as a vertex attribute containing numeric
#' values.
#' Defaults to \code{max_size / 2} (half the maximum node size), which defaults
#' to \code{4.5}.
#' @param label.trim whether to apply some trimming to the node labels. Accepts
#' any function that can process a character vector, or a strictly positive
#' numeric value, in which case the labels are trimmed to a fixed-length
#' substring of that length: see \code{\link[base]{substr}} for details.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} (does nothing).
#' @param node.alpha see \code{alpha}
#' @param node.color see \code{color}
#' @param node.label see \code{label}
#' @param node.shape see \code{shape}
#' @param node.size see \code{size}
#' @param edge.alpha the level of transparency of the edges.
#' Defaults to the value of \code{alpha}, which defaults to \code{1}.
#' @param edge.color the color of the edges, as a color value, a vector of color
#' values, or as an edge attribute containing color values.
#' Defaults to \code{"grey50"}.
#' @param edge.lty the linetype of the edges, as a linetype value, a vector of
#' linetype values, or as an edge attribute containing linetype values.
#' Defaults to \code{"solid"}.
#' @param edge.size the size of the edges, in points, as a numeric value, a
#' vector of numeric values, or as an edge attribute containing numeric values.
#' All edge sizes must be strictly positive.
#' Defaults to \code{0.25}.
#' @param edge.label the labels to plot at the middle of the edges, as a single
#' value, a vector of values, or as an edge attribute.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL} (no edge labels).
#' @param edge.label.alpha the level of transparency of the edge labels, as a
#' numeric value, a vector of numeric values, or as an edge attribute
#' containing numeric values.
#' Defaults to \code{1} (no transparency).
#' @param edge.label.color the color of the edge labels, as a color value, a
#' vector of color values, or as an edge attribute containing color values.
#' Defaults to \code{label.color}, which defaults to \code{"black"}.
#' @param edge.label.fill the background color of the edge labels.
#' Defaults to \code{"white"}.
#' @param edge.label.size the size of the edge labels, in points, as a numeric
#' value, a vector of numeric values, or as an edge attribute containing numeric
#' values. All edge label sizes must be strictly positive.
#' Defaults to \code{max_size / 2} (half the maximum node size), which defaults
#' to \code{4.5}.
#' @param arrow.size the size of the arrows for directed network edges, in
#' points. See \code{\link[grid]{arrow}} for details.
#' Defaults to \code{0} (no arrows).
#' @param a setting aimed at improving the display of edge arrows by
#' plotting slightly shorter edges. Accepts any value between \code{0} and
#' \code{1}, where values close to \code{0.95} will generally achieve good
#' results if the size of the nodes is small.
#' Defaults to \code{0} (no shortening).
#' @param arrow.type the type of the arrows for directed network edges. See
#' \code{\link[grid]{arrow}} for details.
#' Defaults to \code{"closed"}.
#' @param legend.size the size of the legend symbols and text, in points.
#' Defaults to \code{9}.
#' @param legend.position the location of the plot legend(s). Accepts all
#' \code{legend.position} values supported by \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}.
#' Defaults to \code{"right"}.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to the \code{geom_text} object that sets
#' the node labels: see \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_text}} for details.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggnet}} in this package,
#' \code{\link[sna]{gplot}} in the \code{\link[sna]{sna}} package, and
#' \code{\link[network]{}} in the \code{\link[network]{network}}
#' package
#' @author Moritz Marbach and Francois Briatte, with contributions from
#' Heike Hoffmann and Ming-Yu Liu
#' @details The degree centrality measures that can be produced through the
#' \code{size} argument will take the directedness of the network into account,
#' but will be unweighted. To compute weighted network measures, see the
#' \code{\link[tnet:tnet-package]{tnet}} package by Tore Opsahl.
#' The nodes of bipartite networks can be mapped to their mode by passing the
#' \code{"mode"} argument to any of \code{alpha}, \code{color}, \code{shape} and
#' \code{size}, in which case the nodes of the primary mode will be mapped as
#' \code{"actor"}, and the nodes of the secondary mode will be mapped as
#' \code{"event"}.
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit
#' @examples
#' if(require(network)) {
#' # random adjacency matrix
#' x <- 10
#' ndyads <- x * (x - 1)
#' density <- x / ndyads
#' m <- matrix(0, nrow = x, ncol = x)
#' dimnames(m) <- list(letters[ 1:x ], letters[ 1:x ])
#' m[ row(m) != col(m) ] <- runif(ndyads) < density
#' m
#' # random undirected network
#' n <- network::network(m, directed = FALSE)
#' n
#' ggnet2(n, label = TRUE)
#' ggnet2(n, label = TRUE, shape = 15)
#' ggnet2(n, label = TRUE, shape = 15, color = "black", label.color = "white")
#' # add vertex attribute
#' x = network.vertex.names(n)
#' x = ifelse(x %in% c("a", "e", "i"), "vowel", "consonant")
#' n %v% "phono" = x
#' ggnet2(n, color = "phono")
#' ggnet2(n, color = "phono", palette = c("vowel" = "gold", "consonant" = "grey"))
#' ggnet2(n, shape = "phono", color = "phono")
#' if (require(RColorBrewer)) {
#' # random groups
#' n %v% "group" <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], 10, replace = TRUE)
#' ggnet2(n, color = "group", palette = "Set2")
#' }
#' # random weights
#' n %e% "weight" <- sample(1:3, network.edgecount(n), replace = TRUE)
#' ggnet2(n, edge.size = "weight", edge.label = "weight")
#' # edge arrows on a directed network
#' ggnet2(network(m, directed = TRUE), = 0.9, arrow.size = 10)
#' # Padgett's Florentine wedding data
#' data(flo, package = "network")
#' flo
#' ggnet2(flo, label = TRUE)
#' ggnet2(flo, label = TRUE, label.trim = 4, vjust = -1, size = 3, color = 1)
#' ggnet2(flo, label = TRUE, size = 12, color = "white")
#' }
ggnet2 <- function(net,
mode = "fruchtermanreingold",
layout.par = NULL,
layout.exp = 0,
alpha = 1,
color = "grey75",
shape = 19,
size = 9,
max_size = 9,
na.rm = NA,
palette = NULL,
alpha.palette = NULL,
alpha.legend = NA,
color.palette = palette,
color.legend = NA,
shape.palette = NULL,
shape.legend = NA,
size.palette = NULL,
size.legend = NA, = FALSE,
size.cut = FALSE,
size.min = NA,
size.max = NA,
label = FALSE,
label.alpha = 1,
label.color = "black",
label.size = max_size / 2,
label.trim = FALSE,
node.alpha = alpha,
node.color = color,
node.label = label,
node.shape = shape,
node.size = size,
edge.alpha = 1,
edge.color = "grey50",
edge.lty = "solid",
edge.size = .25,
edge.label = NULL,
edge.label.alpha = 1,
edge.label.color = label.color,
edge.label.fill = "white",
edge.label.size = max_size / 2,
arrow.size = 0, = 0,
arrow.type = "closed",
legend.size = 9,
legend.position = "right",
...) {
# -- packages ----------------------------------------------------------------
require(network , quietly = TRUE) # network objects
require(sna , quietly = TRUE) # placement and centrality
require(ggplot2 , quietly = TRUE) # grammar of graphics
require(grid , quietly = TRUE) # arrows
require(scales , quietly = TRUE) # sizing
# -- conversion to network class ---------------------------------------------
if (class(net) == "igraph" &&
"intergraph" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
net = intergraph::asNetwork(net)
} else if (class("net") == "igraph") {
stop("install the 'intergraph' package to use igraph objects with ggnet2")
if (! {
net = try(network::network(net), silent = TRUE)
if (! {
stop("could not coerce net to a network object")
# -- network functions -------------------------------------------------------
get_v = get("%v%", envir = as.environment("package:network"))
get_e = get("%e%", envir = as.environment("package:network"))
set_mode = function(x, mode =, "bipartite")) {
c(rep("actor", mode), rep("event", n_nodes - mode))
set_node = function(x, value, mode = TRUE) {
if (is.null(x) || || is.infinite(x) || is.nan(x)) {
stop(paste("incorrect", value, "value"))
} else if (is.numeric(x) && any(x < 0)) {
stop(paste("incorrect", value, "value"))
} else if (length(x) == n_nodes) {
} else if (length(x) > 1) {
stop(paste("incorrect", value, "length"))
} else if (x %in% v_attr) {
get_v(net, x)
} else if (mode && x == "mode" & is_bip) {
} else {
set_edge = function(x, value) {
if (is.null(x) || || is.infinite(x) || is.nan(x)) {
stop(paste("incorrect", value, "value"))
} else if (is.numeric(x) && any(x < 0)) {
stop(paste("incorrect", value, "value"))
} else if (length(x) == n_edges) {
} else if (length(x) > 1) {
stop(paste("incorrect", value, "length"))
} else if (x %in% e_attr) {
get_e(net, x)
} else {
set_attr = function(x) {
if (length(x) == n_nodes) {
} else if (length(x) > 1) {
stop(paste("incorrect coordinates length"))
} else if (!x %in% v_attr) {
stop(paste("vertex attribute", x, "was not found"))
} else if (!is.numeric(get_v(net, x))) {
stop(paste("vertex attribute", x, "is not numeric"))
} else {
get_v(net, x)
set_name = function(x, y) {
z = length(x) == 1 && x %in% v_attr
z = ifelse(, z, y)
z = ifelse(isTRUE(z), x, z)
ifelse(is.logical(z), "", z)
set_size = function(x) {
y = x + (0 %in% x) * !
y = scales::rescale_max(y)
y = scales::abs_area(max_size)(y)
if (is.null(names(x)))
names(y) = x
names(y) = names(x)
is_one = function(x) {
length(unique(x)) == 1
is_col = function(x) {
all(is.numeric(x)) | all(network::is.color(x))
# -- network structure -------------------------------------------------------
n_nodes = network::network.size(net)
n_edges = network::network.edgecount(net)
v_attr = network::list.vertex.attributes(net)
e_attr = network::list.edge.attributes(net)
is_bip = network::is.bipartite(net)
is_dir = ifelse(network::is.directed(net), "digraph", "graph")
if (!is.numeric(arrow.size) || arrow.size < 0) {
stop("incorrect arrow.size value")
} else if (arrow.size > 0 & is_dir == "graph") {
warning("network is undirected; arrow.size ignored")
arrow.size = 0
if (!is.numeric( || < 0 || > 1) {
stop("incorrect value")
} else if ( > 0 & is_dir == "graph") {
warning("network is undirected; ignored") = 0
if (network::is.hyper(net)) {
stop("ggnet2 cannot plot hyper graphs")
if (network::is.multiplex(net)) {
stop("ggnet2 cannot plot multiplex graphs")
if (network::has.loops(net)) {
warning("ggnet2 does not know how to handle self-loops")
# -- check max_size ----------------------------------------------------------
x = max_size
if (!is.numeric(x) || is.infinite(x) || is.nan(x) || x < 0) {
stop("incorrect max_size value")
# -- initialize dataset ------------------------------------------------------
data = data.frame(label = get_v(net, "vertex.names"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data$alpha = set_node(node.alpha , "node.alpha")
data$color = set_node(node.color , "node.color")
data$shape = set_node(node.shape , "node.shape")
data$size = set_node(node.size , "node.size")
# -- node removal ------------------------------------------------------------
if (length(na.rm) > 1) {
stop("incorrect na.rm value")
} else if (! {
if (!na.rm %in% v_attr) {
stop(paste("vertex attribute", na.rm, "was not found"))
x = which(, na.rm)))
message(paste("na.rm removed", length(x), "nodes out of", nrow(data)))
if (length(x) > 0) {
data = data[-x,]
network::delete.vertices(net, x)
if (!nrow(data)) {
warning("na.rm removed all nodes; nothing left to plot")
# -- weight methods ----------------------------------------------------------
x = size
if (length(x) == 1 &&
x %in% c("indegree", "outdegree", "degree", "freeman")) {
# prevent namespace conflict with igraph
if ("package:igraph" %in% search()) {
y = ifelse(is_dir == "digraph", "directed", "undirected")
z = c(
"indegree" = "in", "outdegree" = "out", "degree" = "all", "freeman" = "all"
data$size = igraph::degree(igraph::graph.adjacency(as.matrix(net), mode = y), mode = z)
} else {
data$size = sna::degree(net, gmode = is_dir, cmode = ifelse(x == "degree", "freeman", x))
size.legend = ifelse(, x, size.legend)
# -- weight thresholds -------------------------------------------------------
x = ifelse(, 0, size.min)
if (length(x) > 1 ||
!is.numeric(x) || is.infinite(x) || is.nan(x) || x < 0) {
stop("incorrect size.min value")
} else if (x > 0 && !is.numeric(data$size)) {
warning("node.size is not numeric; size.min ignored")
} else if (x > 0) {
x = which(data$size < x)
message(paste("size.min removed", length(x), "nodes out of", nrow(data)))
if (length(x) > 0) {
data = data[-x,]
network::delete.vertices(net, x)
if (!nrow(data)) {
warning("size.min removed all nodes; nothing left to plot")
x = ifelse(, 0, size.max)
if (length(x) > 1 ||
!is.numeric(x) || is.infinite(x) || is.nan(x) || x < 0) {
stop("incorrect size.max value")
} else if (x > 0 && !is.numeric(data$size)) {
warning("node.size is not numeric; size.max ignored")
} else if (x > 0) {
x = which(data$size > x)
message(paste("size.max removed", length(x), "nodes out of", nrow(data)))
if (length(x) > 0) {
data = data[-x,]
network::delete.vertices(net, x)
if (!nrow(data)) {
warning("size.max removed all nodes; nothing left to plot")
# -- weight quantiles --------------------------------------------------------
x = size.cut
if (length(x) > 1 ||
is.null(x) || || is.infinite(x) || is.nan(x)) {
stop("incorrect size.cut value")
} else if (isTRUE(x)) {
x = 4
} else if (is.logical(x) && !x) {
x = 0
} else if (!is.numeric(x)) {
stop("incorrect size.cut value")
if (x >= 1 && !is.numeric(data$size)) {
warning("node.size is not numeric; size.cut ignored")
} else if (x >= 1) {
x = unique(quantile(data$size, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / as.integer(x))))
if (length(x) > 1) {
data$size = cut(data$size, unique(x), include.lowest = TRUE)
} else {
warning("node.size is invariant; size.cut ignored")
# -- alpha palette -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(alpha.palette)) {
x = alpha.palette
} else if (is.factor(data$alpha)) {
x = levels(data$alpha)
} else {
x = unique(data$alpha)
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
y = unique(na.omit(data$alpha[!data$alpha %in% names(x)]))
if (length(y) > 0) {
stop(paste("no alpha.palette value for", paste0(y, collapse = ", ")))
} else if (is.factor(data$alpha) || !is.numeric(x)) {
data$alpha = factor(data$alpha)
x = scales::rescale_max(1:length(levels(data$alpha)))
names(x) = levels(data$alpha)
alpha.palette = x
# -- color palette -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(color.palette)) {
x = color.palette
} else if (is.factor(data$color)) {
x = levels(data$color)
} else {
x = unique(data$color)
if (length(x) == 1 &&
"RColorBrewer" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) &&
x %in% rownames( {
data$color = factor(data$color)
n_groups = length(levels(data$color))
n_colors =[x, "maxcolors"]
if (n_groups > n_colors) {
"too many node groups (", n_groups, ") for ",
"ColorBrewer palette ", x, " (max: ", n_colors, ")"
} else if (n_groups < 3) {
n_groups = 3
x = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_groups, x)[1:length(levels(data$color))]
names(x) = levels(data$color)
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
y = unique(na.omit(data$color[!data$color %in% names(x)]))
if (length(y) > 0) {
stop(paste("no color.palette value for", paste0(y, collapse = ", ")))
} else if (is.factor(data$color) || !is_col(x)) {
data$color = factor(data$color)
x = gray.colors(length(x))
names(x) = levels(data$color)
color.palette = x
# -- shape palette -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(shape.palette)) {
x = shape.palette
} else if (is.factor(data$shape)) {
x = levels(data$shape)
} else {
x = unique(data$shape)
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
y = unique(na.omit(data$shape[!data$shape %in% names(x)]))
if (length(y) > 0) {
stop(paste("no shape.palette value for", paste0(y, collapse = ", ")))
} else if (is.factor(data$shape) || !is.numeric(x)) {
data$shape = factor(data$shape)
x = scales::shape_pal()(length(levels(data$shape)))
names(x) = levels(data$shape)
shape.palette = x
# -- size palette ------------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(size.palette)) {
x = size.palette
} else if (is.factor(data$size)) {
x = levels(data$size)
} else {
x = unique(data$size)
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
y = unique(na.omit(data$size[!data$size %in% names(x)]))
if (length(y) > 0) {
stop(paste("no size.palette value for", paste0(y, collapse = ", ")))
} else if (is.factor(data$size) || !is.numeric(x)) {
data$size = factor(data$size)
x = 1:length(levels(data$size))
names(x) = levels(data$size)
size.palette = x
# -- node labels -------------------------------------------------------------
l = node.label
if (isTRUE(l)) {
l = data$label
} else if (length(l) > 1 & length(l) == n_nodes) {
data$label = l
} else if (length(l) == 1 && l %in% v_attr) {
l = get_v(net, l)
} else {
l = ifelse(data$label %in% l, data$label, "")
# -- node placement ----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.character(mode) && length(mode) == 1) {
mode = paste0("gplot.layout.", mode)
if (!exists(mode)) {
stop(paste("unsupported placement method:", mode))
# sna placement algorithm
xy =
xy =, list(xy, layout.par))
xy = data.frame(x = xy[, 1], y = xy[, 2])
} else if (is.character(mode) && length(mode) == 2) {
# fixed coordinates from vertex attributes
xy = data.frame(x = set_attr(mode[1]), y = set_attr(mode[2]))
} else if (is.numeric(mode) && is.matrix(mode)) {
# fixed coordinates from matrix
xy = data.frame(x = set_attr(mode[, 1]), y = set_attr(mode[, 2]))
} else {
stop("incorrect mode value")
xy$x = scale(xy$x, min(xy$x), diff(range(xy$x)))
xy$y = scale(xy$y, min(xy$y), diff(range(xy$y)))
data = cbind(data, xy)
# -- edge colors -------------------------------------------------------------
edges =
if (edge.color[1] == "color" && length(edge.color) == 2) {
# edge colors from node source and target
edge.color = ifelse(data$color[edges[, 1]] == data$color[edges[, 2]],
as.character(data$color[edges[, 1]]), edge.color[2])
if (!is.null(names(color.palette))) {
x = which(edge.color %in% names(color.palette))
edge.color[x] = color.palette[edge.color[x]]
edge.color[] = edge.color[2]
edge.color = set_edge(edge.color, "edge.color")
if (!is_col(edge.color)) {
stop("incorrect edge.color value")
# -- edge list ---------------------------------------------------------------
edges = data.frame(xy[edges[, 1],], xy[edges[, 2],])
names(edges) = c("X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2")
# -- edge labels, colors and sizes -------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(edge.label)) {
edges$midX = (edges$X1 + edges$X2) / 2
edges$midY = (edges$Y1 + edges$Y2) / 2
edges$label = set_edge(edge.label, "edge.label")
edge.label.alpha = set_edge(edge.label.alpha, "edge.label.alpha")
if (!is.numeric(edge.label.alpha)) {
stop("incorrect edge.label.alpha value")
edge.label.color = set_edge(edge.label.color, "edge.label.color")
if (!is_col(edge.label.color)) {
stop("incorrect edge.label.color value")
edge.label.size = set_edge(edge.label.size, "edge.label.size")
if (!is.numeric(edge.label.size)) {
stop("incorrect edge.label.size value")
# -- edge linetype -----------------------------------------------------------
edge.lty = set_edge(edge.lty, "edge.lty")
# -- edge size ---------------------------------------------------------------
edge.size = set_edge(edge.size, "edge.size")
if (!is.numeric(edge.size) || any(edge.size <= 0)) {
stop("incorrect edge.size value")
# -- plot edges --------------------------------------------------------------
p = ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y))
if (nrow(edges) > 0) {
if ( > 0) {
if(method == 1) {
x.length = with(edges, abs(X2 - X1))
y.length = with(edges, abs(Y2 - Y1))
k = 10
x.length = cut_interval(x.length, k, labels = 1:k)
y.length = cut_interval(y.length, k, labels = 1:k) = rev(seq( - 0.05,, length.out = k))
x.length =[x.length]
y.length =[y.length]
edges = transform(
X2 = X1 + x.length * (X2 - X1),
Y2 = Y1 + y.length * (Y2 - Y1),
X1 = X2 + x.length * (X1 - X2),
Y1 = Y2 + y.length * (Y1 - Y2)
} else {
x.length = with(edges, X2 - X1)
y.length = with(edges, Y2 - Y1) <- with(edges,^2+y.length^2))
edges <- transform(
X1 = X1 +*x.length,
Y1 = Y1 +*y.length,
X2 = X1 + (*x.length,
Y2 = Y1 + (*y.length
p = p +
data = edges,
x = X1, y = Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2
size = edge.size,
color = edge.color,
alpha = edge.alpha,
lty = edge.lty,
arrow = grid::arrow(
type = arrow.type,
length = grid::unit(arrow.size, "pt")
if (nrow(edges) > 0 && !is.null(edge.label)) {
p = p +
data = edges,
aes(x = midX, y = midY),
alpha = edge.alpha,
color = edge.label.fill,
size = edge.label.size * 1.5
) +
data = edges,
aes(x = midX, y = midY, label = label),
alpha = edge.label.alpha,
color = edge.label.color,
size = edge.label.size
# -- plot nodes --------------------------------------------------------------
x = list()
if (is.numeric(data$alpha) && is_one(data$alpha)) {
x = c(x, alpha = unique(data$alpha))
if (!is.factor(data$color) && is_one(data$color)) {
x = c(x, colour = unique(data$color)) # must be English spelling
if (is.numeric(data$shape) && is_one(data$shape)) {
x = c(x, shape = unique(data$shape))
if (is.numeric(data$size) && is_one(data$size)) {
x = c(x, size = unique(data$size))
} else {
x = c(x, size = max_size)
p = p +
alpha = factor(alpha), color = factor(color),
shape = factor(shape), size = factor(size)
# -- legend: alpha -----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.numeric(data$alpha)) {
v_alpha = unique(data$alpha)
names(v_alpha) = unique(data$alpha)
p = p +
scale_alpha_manual("", values = v_alpha) + guides(alpha = FALSE)
} else {
p = p +
set_name(node.alpha, alpha.legend),
values = alpha.palette,
breaks = names(alpha.palette),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = x)
# -- legend: color -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(names(color.palette))) {
p = p +
set_name(node.color, color.legend),
values = color.palette,
breaks = names(color.palette),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = x)
} else {
v_color = unique(data$color)
names(v_color) = unique(data$color)
p = p +
scale_color_manual("", values = v_color) + guides(color = FALSE)
# -- legend: shape -----------------------------------------------------------
if (is.numeric(data$shape)) {
v_shape = unique(data$shape)
names(v_shape) = unique(data$shape)
p = p +
scale_shape_manual("", values = v_shape) + guides(shape = FALSE)
} else {
p = p +
set_name(node.shape, shape.legend),
values = shape.palette,
breaks = names(shape.palette),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = x)
# -- legend: size ------------------------------------------------------------
x = x[names(x) != "size"]
if (is.numeric(data$size)) {
v_size = set_size(unique(data$size))
if (length(v_size) == 1) {
v_size = as.numeric(names(v_size))
p = p +
scale_size_manual("", values = v_size) + guides(size = FALSE)
} else {
p = p +
set_name(node.size, size.legend),
values = v_size,
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = x)
} else {
p = p +
set_name(node.size, size.legend),
values = set_size(size.palette),
guide = guide_legend(override.aes = x)
# -- plot node labels --------------------------------------------------------
if (!is_one(l) || unique(l) != "") {
label.alpha = set_node(label.alpha, "label.alpha", mode = FALSE)
if (!is.numeric(label.alpha)) {
stop("incorrect label.alpha value")
label.color = set_node(label.color, "label.color", mode = FALSE)
if (!is_col(label.color)) {
stop("incorrect label.color value")
label.size = set_node(label.size, "label.size", mode = FALSE)
if (!is.numeric(label.size)) {
stop("incorrect label.size value")
x = label.trim
if (length(x) > 1 ||
(!is.logical(x) & !is.numeric(x) & !is.function(x))) {
stop("incorrect label.trim value")
} else if (is.numeric(x) && x > 0) {
l = substr(l, 1, x)
} else if (is.function(x)) {
l = x(l)
p = p +
label = l,
alpha = label.alpha,
color = label.color,
size = label.size,
# -- horizontal scale expansion ----------------------------------------------
x = range(data$x)
if (!is.numeric(layout.exp) || layout.exp < 0) {
stop("incorrect layout.exp value")
} else if (layout.exp > 0) {
x = scales::expand_range(x, layout.exp / 2)
# -- finalize ----------------------------------------------------------------
p = p +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL, limits = x) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) +
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.position = legend.position,
legend.text = element_text(size = legend.size),
legend.title = element_text(size = legend.size)
ggnet2(blood, method = 1, label = TRUE, mode="circle", = 0.95, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("circle, Ethen's")
ggnet2(blood, method = 2, label = TRUE, mode="circle", = 0.05, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("circle, Heike's")
ggnet2(blood, method = 1, label = TRUE, = 0.95, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("fruchter..., Ethen's")
ggnet2(blood, method = 2, label = TRUE, = 0.05, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("fruchter..., Heike's")
ggnet2(blood, method = 1, label = TRUE, mode = "random", = 0.95, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("random, Ethen's")
ggnet2(blood, method = 2, label = TRUE, mode = "random", = 0.05, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("random, Heike's")
rnd = sna::rgraph(25)
ggnet2(rnd, method = 1, label = TRUE, = 0.95, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("fruchter..., Ethen's")
ggnet2(rnd, method = 2, label = TRUE, = 0.05, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("fruchter..., Heike's")
ggnet2(rnd, method = 1, label = TRUE, mode = "random", = 0.95, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("random, Ethen's")
ggnet2(rnd, method = 2, label = TRUE, mode = "random", = 0.05, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("random, Heike's")
ggnet2(rnd, method = 1, label = TRUE, mode = "kamadakawai", = 0.95, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("kamadakawai, Ethen's")
ggnet2(rnd, method = 2, label = TRUE, mode = "kamadakawai", = 0.05, arrow.size = 12) + ggtitle("kamadakawai, Heike's")
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