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Created November 22, 2015 05:42
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git - checking fast-forward-ness
git merge-base --is-ancestor master HEAD

from man git merge-base

A common idiom to check "fast-forward-ness" between two commits A and B is (or at least used to be) to compute the merge base between A and B, and check if it is the same as A, in which case, A is an ancestor of B. You will see this idiom used often in older scripts.

       A=$(git rev-parse --verify A)
       if test "$A" = "$(git merge-base A B)"
               ... A is an ancestor of B ...

   In modern git, you can say this in a more direct way:

       if git merge-base --is-ancestor A B
               ... A is an ancestor of B ...

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it3xl commented Nov 25, 2017

Just brilliant! And google friendly. Appreciative.

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