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Last active October 21, 2015 09:49
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name start end sphere
American Revolutionary War 4/19/1775 9/3/1783 European
Cherokee–American wars 01/01/1776 12/31/1795 Native
Northwest Indian War 01/01/1785 12/31/1795 Native
Whiskey Rebellion 01/01/1795 12/31/1795 Internal
Quasi-War 01/01/1798 12/31/1800 European
First Barbary War 5/10/1801 6/10/1805 Colonial
Tecumseh's War 01/01/1811 12/31/1811 Native
War of 1812 6/18/1812 2/18/1815 European
Red Stick War 01/01/1813 8/31/1814 Native
Second Barbary War 06/17/1815 06/19/1815 Colonial
First Seminole War 01/01/1817 12/31/1818 Native
Texas/Indian Wars 01/01/1820 12/31/1875 Native
Arikara War 01/01/1823 12/31/1823 Native
Aegean Sea Anti/Piracy Operations 01/01/1825 12/31/1828 Colonial
Winnebago War 01/01/1827 12/31/1827 Native
First Sumatran expedition 01/01/1832 12/31/1832 Colonial
Black Hawk War 01/01/1832 12/31/1832 Native
Second Seminole War 01/01/1835 12/31/1842 Native
Patriot War 01/01/1838 12/31/1838 European
United States Exploring Expedition 01/01/1838 12/31/1842 Colonial
Second Sumatran expedition 01/01/1838 12/31/1838 Colonial
Mexican–American War 01/01/1846 12/31/1848 Latin America
Cayuse War 01/01/1847 12/31/1855 Native
Taiping Rebellion 01/01/1850 12/31/1864 Colonial
Apache Wars 01/01/1851 12/31/1900 Native
Bombardment of Greytown 01/01/1854 12/31/1854 European
Puget Sound War 01/01/1855 12/31/1856 Native
First Fiji Expedition 01/01/1855 12/31/1855 Colonial
Rogue River Wars 01/01/1855 12/31/1856 Native
Third Seminole War 01/01/1855 12/31/1858 Native
Yakima War 01/01/1855 12/31/1858 Native
Filibuster War 01/01/1856 12/31/1857 Latin America
Second Opium War 01/01/1856 12/31/1859 Colonial
Utah War 01/01/1857 12/31/1858 Internal
Navajo Wars 01/01/1858 12/31/1866 Native
Second Fiji Expedition 01/01/1858 12/31/1858 Colonial
First and Second Cortina War 01/01/1859 12/31/1861 Latin America
Paiute War 01/01/1860 12/31/1860 Native
Reform War 01/01/1860 12/31/1860 Latin America
American Civil War 01/01/1861 12/31/1865 Internal
Bombardment of Qui Nhơn 01/01/1861 12/31/1861 Colonial
Yavapai Wars 01/01/1861 12/31/1875 Native
Dakota War of 1862 01/01/1862 12/31/1862 Native
Colorado War 01/01/1863 12/31/1865 Native
Shimonoseki War 01/01/1863 12/31/1864 Colonial
Snake War 01/01/1864 12/31/1868 Native
Powder River War 01/01/1865 12/31/1865 Native
Red Cloud's War 01/01/1866 12/31/1868 Native
Siege of Mexico City 01/01/1867 12/31/1867 Latin America
Formosa Expedition 01/01/1867 12/31/1867 Colonial
Comanche Campaign 01/01/1867 12/31/1875 Native
United States expedition to Korea 01/01/1871 12/31/1871 Colonial
Modoc War 01/01/1872 12/31/1873 Native
Red River War 01/01/1874 12/31/1875 Native
Las Cuevas War 01/01/1875 12/31/1875 Latin America
Great Sioux War of 1876 01/01/1876 12/31/1877 Native
Buffalo Hunters' War 01/01/1876 12/31/1877 Native
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