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Last active November 10, 2015 23:24
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//#load "Spirograph.fs"
open System.Drawing
//open FSharp.TV.Spirograph
let round (x:float) = int (System.Math.Round (x))
module Seq =
let repeat items =
seq { while true do for item in items do yield item }
type Turtle = {
position: (int*int);
direction: float;
bitmap: Bitmap;
color: Color;
drawing: bool
let save filename turtle =
let dot x y turtle =
turtle.bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, turtle.color)
let line x y turtle =
let x0, y0 = turtle.position
let dx = x-x0
let dy = y-y0
let xs = if dx > 0 then [ for ix in [x0..x] -> (ix, y0+(ix-x0)*dy/dx) ] else []
let ys = if dy > 0 then [ for iy in [y0..y] -> (x0+(iy-y0)*dx/dy,iy) ] else []
let dots = (fun (x,y) -> dot x y) (Seq.append xs ys) //[for (x,y) in (Seq.append xs ys) -> dot x y ]
{Seq.fold (fun turtle fn -> fn turtle) turtle dots with position = (x,y)}
let move (distance:int) turtle =
let x, y = turtle.position
let xd, yd = round (float distance * cos turtle.direction), round (float distance * sin turtle.direction)
let nx, ny = x+xd, y+yd
if turtle.drawing then
line nx ny turtle
{turtle with position = (nx, ny)}
let teleport (x:int) (y:int) (turtle:Turtle) =
{turtle with position = (x,y)}
let penUp (ttl:Turtle) = {ttl with drawing = false}
let penDown (ttl:Turtle) = {ttl with drawing = true}
let dashMove (distance:int) turtle =
let dashlength = 5
let cmds = [penDown; move dashlength; penUp; move dashlength]
let numcmds = distance*(Seq.length cmds)/(dashlength*2)
let todo = Seq.take numcmds (Seq.repeat cmds)
Seq.fold (fun ttl cmd -> cmd ttl) turtle todo
let setColor color ttl = {ttl with color = color}
let newTurtle (x:int) (y:int) = {
position = (0,0);
direction = 0.0;
bitmap = new Bitmap(x,y);
let clockwise rads (turtle:Turtle) =
{turtle with direction = turtle.direction + rads}
newTurtle 100 100
|> teleport 50 50
|> setColor Color.Red
|> dashMove 50
|> save (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/foo.png")
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