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Created April 7, 2021 19:01
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const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = require('fs');
const LineByLine = require('n-readlines');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const filesWithoutExtension = [
].reduce((acc, f) => { acc[f.toLowerCase()] = true; return acc; }, {}); // Convert to Set with lowercased filenames.
const tmpPath = 'project.pbxproj.tmp';
const pbxPath = 'TKTKTK.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj';
const newFileStream = fs.createWriteStream(tmpPath);
const lines = new LineByLine(pbxPath);
async function writeLine(line) {
await newFileStream.write(`${line}\n`);
const filenameRe = /^\s*[A-Z0-9]{24} \/\* (.+?) in /;
const childFilenameRe = /^\s*[A-Z0-9]{24} \/\* (.+?) \*\/,$/;
const suffixRe = /\.[^.]+$/; // file extension
const unifiedFilenameRe = /^UnifiedSource(\d+)/;
const children = 'children';
const files = 'files';
function isFile(name) {
return filesWithoutExtension[name] || suffixRe.test(name);
function sortByFilename(a, b, type) {
let re;
switch (type) {
case children:
re = childFilenameRe;
case files:
re = filenameRe;
default: throw new Error('children or file');
const matchA = a.match(re);
const matchB = b.match(re);
if (!matchA || !matchB) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected line format: ${a} ${b}`);
const filenameA = matchA[1].toLowerCase();
const filenameB = matchB[1].toLowerCase();
if (type === children) {
// Sort directories on top.
if (!isFile(filenameA) && isFile(filenameB)) {
// A is a directory, B is a file
return -1;
} else if (isFile(filenameA) && !isFile(filenameB)) {
// B is a directory, A is a file.
return 1;
const altMatchA = filenameA.match(unifiedFilenameRe);
const altMatchB = filenameB.match(unifiedFilenameRe);
if (altMatchA && altMatchB) {
const idA = altMatchA[1];
const idB = altMatchB[1];
if (idA < idB) { return -1; }
if (idA > idB) { return 1; }
return 0;
if (filenameA < filenameB) { return -1; }
if (filenameA > filenameB) { return 1; }
return 0;
function sortFiles(a, b) {
return sortByFilename(a, b, files);
function sortChildren(a, b) {
return sortByFilename(a, b, children);
async function cleanFiles(match, sortFn) {
const set = {};
let endMarker = `${match[1]}\\);`;
let line;
while (line = {
line = line.toString();
if (line.match(`^${endMarker}\\s*$`)) {
endMarker = line;
// Using dictionary to de-duplicate lines
set[line] = true;
await Promise.each(Object.keys(set).sort(sortFn), writeLine);
await writeLine(endMarker);
async function cleanBuildSettings(match, projectVersion) {
const endMarker = `${match[1]}\\};`;
let line;
let didWriteVersion = false;
while (line = {
line = line.toString();
if (projectVersion) {
// CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION tends to get duplicated when merging. Take the highest version.
const versionMatch = line.match(/CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = (\d+)/);
if (versionMatch) {
if (versionMatch[1] !== projectVersion || didWriteVersion) {
// Don't write this line.
didWriteVersion = true;
await writeLine(line);
if (line.match(`^${endMarker}\\s*$`)) {
async function processLine(line, projectVersion) {
await writeLine(line);
let match;
match = line.match(/^(\s*)files = \(\s*$/);
if (match) {
await cleanFiles(match, sortFiles);
match = line.match(/^(\s*)children = \(\s*$/);
if (match) {
await cleanFiles(match, sortChildren);
match = line.match(/^(\s*)buildSettings = \{\s*$/);
if (match) {
await cleanBuildSettings(match, projectVersion);
// TODO:
// Begin PBXFileReference section
// Begin PBXBuildFile section
function sortStringsAsInts(a, b) {
const intA = parseInt(a, 10);
const intB = parseInt(b, 10);
if (intA < intB) { return -1; }
if (intA > intB) { return 1; }
return 0;
async function run() {
const { stdout } = await exec('grep -oE "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = (\\d+)" TKTKTK.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | cut -f2 -d=');
const projectVersions = stdout.trimEnd().split('\n').map(s => s.trim()).sort(sortStringsAsInts);
let useVersion;
if (process.env.WHICH_VERSION === 'lowest') {
useVersion = projectVersions.reverse().pop();
} else {
useVersion = projectVersions.pop();
let line;
while (line = {
await processLine(line.toString(), useVersion);
fs.renameSync(tmpPath, pbxPath);
run().then(() => { console.log('Done! 🧹'); });
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